[Yaesu] G-800SA troubles

Bill Gillenwater gillie at pa.net
Thu Jan 24 16:10:43 EST 2008

It sounds like a wire in the control cable came loose at either the 
rotor or the control box. When it happened to me, it was a wire that 
came loose from a solder point at the rotor, where the cable goes into 
the rotor.

73 Bill

Scott Nichols wrote:
> I have a 7 year old G-800SA rotor, turning a 4 el tri bander...
> About a week ago, I attempted to turn the beam CW...The indicator took off, likely twice as fast as normal, in the CCW direction...No matter which button I pushed (CCW or CW), the needle kept going CCW at a faster-than-normal rate...When I released the button, the indicator kept going maybe 25 to 30 degrees before it stopped...The beam was not turning during all this, and appears to be locked, not swinging freely...Then, later that day, I could get no movement at all by pushing any button...It was dead...During the past week, I tried pushing the buttons again, with only sporadic movement, until the indicator hit 180 degrees, then stopped again...Dead...
> Today, I tried it again and no matter which button I push, the indicator takes off in the CW direction, same faster-than-normal speed, same 25-30 degree stop time...The beam is not turning still...
> The red overlap light just came on when the indicator hit 90 degrees...
> I can see no trouble on top of the tower from the ground...Everything appears fine...
> Something's not right here...I'm at a loss...Any ideas ?
> Thanks,
> Scott VE1OP
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