[Yaesu] Yaesu FT1000 200 watt dual receive radio for sale

John Geiger af5cc2 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 22:35:53 EDT 2017

I have for sale a Yaesu FT1000 200 watt dual receive HF radio.  This is a
top of the line radio and has one of the best receivers ever built.
This rig is a dream to operate. There are no menus, and no function key.
Every knob or button does 1 thing.
It has a built in power supply, a built in autotuner that matches about
anything, a built in CW keyer, and does 200 watts out!  You can also listen
on 2 different frequencies, or 2 different bands!  Check out the reviews on
this radio, one of the best ever made.
This rig comes with a 500hz CW filter, a 250hz CW filter, and a 2.0khz
narrow SSB filter.  It as the optional TCXO installed for extra stability,
and the BPF-1 unit which allows it to receive on 2 different bands.
It works perfectly.  The case has some wear marks around the front bezel,
and the bottom case has some discoloring on it.
It comes with a hand mic, and power cord.  I am asking $825 shipped for it
(it is heavy).  Trades considered.  I take paypal/check/MO.  $750 for an
in-person deal that won't require shipping.  I can remove a couple of the
filters and sell it for less if you don't need them.

73 John AF5CC

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