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Re: [Amps] 6146B vs 6146W

Subject: Re: [Amps] 6146B vs 6146W
From: "ad5gb" <>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 21:42:02 -0400 (EDT)
List-post: <>
Just my 2.5 cents worth....

I've had mixed experiences with replacing 6146As or Ws with 6146Bs.
My FT-102 seems quite happy with either though it requires a bias
adjustment and a touch-up neutralization.  

My Kenwood T-599 is another matter altogether.  I put a shiny new
pair of 6146Bs in it and couldn't keep it powered up long enough to
adjust anything.  Almost immediate destruction of the driver tube's
cathode resistor and one of the PA's cathode resistors occurred. 
Upon replacing these parts and trying again it was apparent that
parasites had infested my transmitter.  The 6146, 6146A and 6146W
tubes I have in my stash don't cause me any problems in this
transmitter. The circuit could probably be modified to enable the
6146B's to run happily, but I wanted to keep this thing original.

I also have an old Eico CW transmitter that will oscillate with a

I'm told that the 6293 makes a teriffic replacement for a 6146A, but
I've not tried this.

Randall D. DuCharme (Radio AD5GB)

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 --- On Mon 05/17, Gary Schafer < > wrote:
From: Gary Schafer [mailto:]
Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 13:27:41 -0400
Subject: Re: [Amps] 6146B vs 6146W

The 6146W has a ruggedized filament. The rest of the characteristics may <br>be 
the same as a 6146A or a 6146B depending on when the 6146W was built. <br> From 
what I have gathered the early 6146W was the same as the 6146A but <br>with 
rugged filament. After the 6146B came into existence, a short time <br>after 
that all 6146W's were made the same as the 6146B but with the <br>rugged 
filament.<br><br>So if the 6146W's you have are later versions then they are 
probably the <br>same as the B.<br><br>As far as a B not working in place of a 
regular or A version, I have <br>never had a problem with interchanging them 
except in the collins radios <br>where you sometimes had to change the 
neutralizing circuit to get them <br>properly neutralized.<br>In VHF and UHF 
radios it may be more of a problem.<br><br>In your HF rig, plug them in and if 
you can neutralize the final they <br>should work fine.<br><br>73<br>Gary  
K4FMX<br><br><br>Steven Grant, W4IIV wrote:<br>> you may run the "W" 
 if you wish<br>> the 6146B had different capacitances from the 6146, and 
6146A, so the B would not work properly in older (and some newer) equiptment. 
it caused bad my opinion, this tube (the "B") should not have 
been called a 6146 at is that different<br>> <br>> if you choose to 
run the "W" (a rugged version of the 6146A) it should work ok tho cause those 
tubes were much more stable...of course settings may be a tad different<br>>  
<br>> steven<br>> Steven Cook <> wrote:<br>> I have been reading 
up on the 6146 and would like to know if the "W" version would be suitable for 
use in a TS-830S. I have read that the "W" version is rated for less plate 
dissipation -- is this because it is a ruggedized version and the ratings are 
"conservative," or does the "W" truly have less plate dissipation than the "B" 
version.<br>> <br>> Thanks in advance...<br>> <br>> WG7K<br>> 
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