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Re: [Amps] Dummy load varying R

To: amps <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Dummy load varying R
From: Ron Youvan <>
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2011 11:33:19 -0400
List-post: <">>
Al Kozakiewicz wrote:

> Maybe not quite amps related, but this is the best forum I know of for RF 
> expertise ...

> Without belaboring irrelevant details, I'm calibrating an LP-100A Wattmeter I 
> just built. With a brand new MFJ 300W dummy load I measure 50.1 ohms with my 
> old Fluke DMM.  The dummy load is connected to the coupler with about 6 feet 
> of RG-8U.  It appears as though the resistance of the dummy load increases 
> with frequency, to the point where it is 65 ohms in the 20m band and the 
> LP-100 can no longer compensate.

> After fiddling with the coupler with no joy I decide to connect my MFJ-259 to 
> the cable and verify that the resistance is actually 50 ohms across all the 
> HF bands.  Turns out that it's not.  In the 20m band the impedance at the end 
> of the RG-8 has risen to 66+6j.

> This is as simple a setup as I can imagine - a 50 ohm resistor in a metal box 
> and 6 feet of new 50 ohm coax cable.  Tonight I will test again without the 
> cable if I can find a M-M UHF adapter.  But I'm puzzled as to what the issue 
> could be.

> Any ideas?

   Sure, try 6 OTHER Ohm meters on the load and the cable.
    Ron  KA4INM -   Every HAM should have at least one desk MIC,
                    it's the perfect place to hang the cans when
                    CW is "arm chair copy."
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