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Re: [Amps] Stripline design

Subject: Re: [Amps] Stripline design
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2012 21:24:32 -0500 (EST)
List-post: <">>
Hi Paul, K1FO has done the work already. Why not use his dimensions for the 
Is there a space problem?
Adding 3/8" to the short end of the line will have very little effect on  
the resonant frequency. The long end controls that, hence the question  above.
Gerald K5GW
In a message dated 1/5/2012 9:51:10 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Hi  group,

I have a homebrew 70 cm stripline amplifier built around the  3cx400A7 
tube.  As everyone know's, it's getting rare and  expensive.  I was thinking 
that it would be really easy to change over to  a 3cx800A7 or 3cpx800A7 tube 
since it uses the same socket (I have a few  sitting around), and comparing 
the datasheets, they are electrically very  close.  Besides the obvious like 
size and heater voltage, there are  slight differences  in cin and ck, but 
I'm not sure how that will effect  it.

Because the tube anode cooler is physically bigger, I would have to  make a 
new stripline with an extra 3/8 inch  on the end.  My  question is two 
fold.  1. How does one calculate the actual length of the  stripline in the 
first place, and 2, more of immediate concern is would that  extra 3/8" make 
difference?  My "gut" feeling is it won't, but I have  no basis for that.  
Here is a picture of the stripline out of the  rfdeck:

My  current stripline is 8.625" and I would extend it to be 9.0".  I looked 
 at K1FO's single 3cx800A7 design and his stripline is 9.6875 and the same  
width of 3.5".  I also looked at his 2x3cx800A7 design and that stripline  
is 9.0", the same as mine would be.

Here is a picture of the whole  amplifier  project:

Just  to head anyone off at the pass.  I am doing this for two main  goals. 
 1.  So that I have a replacement tube, and 2. more power and  more 
headroom for JT65. (I way more voltage and current than the 3cx400 could  ever 
want, plenty to supply two 3cxp800's).  I thought this would be an  easy 
stepping stone for now.

Thanks and 73,
Paul,  kg7hf.

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