Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 18:20:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [Amps] Pulser
Larry, a fellow HAM in the Atlanta area makes a device called the PECKER.
it was a big hit years ago on the 3898 group and is still quite popular (
not to mention reasonable) it is available in either assembled or kit
format. Go to _www.mrpecker.com_ ( . If it is for an
Icom, be sure to ask about the 100 mfd non polarized electrolytic
Eddie, kc4awz
## The problem with that 3898 pecker device is that is has NO output control
on it !
95% of the time it will blow your alc right to the peg. If you have an analog
type alc meter
it gets even worse, since the alc meter isnt really rading true peaks, like a
peak reading led type
alc meter. Then folks further screw things up by leaving their processor
cranked up full tilt
while using the audio type peckers. Any type of audio pecker needs an output
pot on the end of it.
## On the FT-1000D, a string of 60 wpm dits will result in a 50% duty
On my FT-1000MP-MK-V, the dot dash ratio can be tweaked individually for both
dots and dashs. The default setting is dots= 10 and dashs = 30 . Each
can be
set anywhere from 1-129 !
## In the default 10-30 ratio, a string of 60 wpm dots will result in a 50%
duty cycle.
To reduce the duty cycle, the DOT setting is simply reduced to a setting below
IE: while sending dots at 60 wpm, reduce the dot setting from 10 to 9 to 8 to
7 etc.
I think a DOT setting around 7-8 results in a 30% duty cycle. A setting
of 1-5
results in a very low duty cycle.
## For normal CW operation, I use Dots = 10..... and dashes = 36.
Then I end up with a dot –dash ratio of 1: 3.6 Which is weighting I like.
## For pulse tuning, DOT settings of 5-8 work great. BUT you have to
remember to put the dot setting back to 10 for normal CW operation.
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