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Re: [Amps] S/S Amp's

Subject: Re: [Amps] S/S Amp's
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 02:12:17 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 9/12/2013 9:49 PM, Carl wrote:
By using the Exalted AM method that goes back 70 years you dont need a
fancy radio.

Modify the BFO for variable injection level and connect to the last IF
thereby maintaining AGC. Its almost as good as a sync detector for
selective fading and its easier to follow a slightly drifting carrier.
My first transmitter after earning the General was a Ranger used with an 
old S-40B. I'd zero beat an SSB conversation and use PPT In time with my 
sentences.  I talked with the one group for about a week before someone 
mentioned I had a bit of carrier on my signal.  No one ever complained 
about bandwidth or the "unwanted".
When I explained I was running a Ranger on AM with a fast PPT thumb, 
there was a lot of laughter.  I was copying SSB using the BFO on the old 
S-40B to inject a carrier at the receiver.

Roger (K8RI)


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