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Re: [Amps] 5 Minutes for Ameritron 811H to warm up?

To: "Roger D Johnson" <>, "Amplifier Mailing List" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 5 Minutes for Ameritron 811H to warm up?
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 11:32:06 -0500
List-post: <">>
Last time I looked the Chinese rated it at 1250V; when they reach the rest of the world the sellers and amp manufacturers rate them as a 1950's era RCA. Then some make believe engineer blames the tube when they arc over in a poorly designed amp.

From: "Roger D Johnson" <>
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 8:09 AM
To: "Amplifier Mailing List" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 5 Minutes for Ameritron 811H to warm up?

What was breaking down? The 811 is a good tube but most hams believe the mfrs
claims and run them way beyond their ratings.

73, Roger

On 1/23/2015 7:09 AM, Alek Petkovic wrote:
You said it in one Jim.

If you buy a AL811, you deserve what you get.

A guy local to me had two of them. One with three tubes and one with four. They were forever breaking down and he usually brought them around for me to fix.
In the end, I reminded him that he earned really good money and that he 
had a really great station except for his amplifiers and that he should 
just dump them and get something decent. Thankfully, he did. Dunno what 
he runs now but I know it ain't the 811 amps.

On 23/01/2015 7:24 PM, Jim Thomson wrote:
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 13:37:00 +0800
From: Alek Petkovic<>
To: Amplifier Mailing List<>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 5 Minutes for Ameritron 811H to warm up?

Yeah. Well that is strange. Blowed if I know what he means then.

Alek. VK6APK

## Buy it for a song..then spend 15 mins to repair it. What takes 5 mins to warm up, the fils...or the B+ ?? I think the xfmr in the 811 has the fil winding built into the plate xfmr. It could be some shorted winding issue, etc. It could
also be a screwed up hv meter.

Jim   VE7RF

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