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Re: [Amps] Amplifier for 630 meter band

To: Jim Thomson <>,
Subject: Re: [Amps] Amplifier for 630 meter band
From: Ray LaRue <>
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2017 14:37:06 -0500
List-post: <>
Being a retired broadcast engineer, I have a Bird slug 1000P, (1000w, ..45-2.5 Mhz), which I no longer have need for.  If anyone else is interested please drop me a line and make an offer.

Ray, W4BYG

On 11/11/2017 12:33 PM, Jim Thomson wrote:
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2017 06:53:03 -1000
From: Merv Schweigert <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Amplifier for 630 meter band

<I was fortunate to run across a Bird 1KP slug,   .45 to 2.5 MHZ 1KW
<Works fine on 475.  They seem kind of rare have not found another

<Merv K9FD/KH6

##  Do they still sell em ?   I believe the last time I looked at both Birds 
and Coaxial dynamics site, I could not
find the    .450 to 2.5  mhz slugS.    Back in the day, like 1975, they were 
used for AM broadcast, but average power only.

##  A scope across a  T connector on a 50 ohm dummy load would also work, 
provide the scope was calibrated.

##  My array solutions Powermaster  20 kw coupler works from 500 khz to 30  
mhz.  Apparently  it works quite well for
AM broadcast purposes.   The AS  10 kw coupler works from  1.8 to 60 mhz... and 
ditto with the AS 3 kw coupler, same deal,
1.8 to 60 mhz.

Jim  VE7RF

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