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[CQ-Contest] Non-contesting 10 meter window

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Non-contesting 10 meter window
From: kk7gw@yahoo.com (David Jones)
Date: Tue Dec 15 03:42:16 1998
> 1)  There are darned few weekends per year where these few novices
> dont like contesting) are burdened by the contest.  Even fewer
> 10 meters closed more years than it is open.  

Okay, Bill brought up another point that I forgot to mention in my
previous e-mail.  I heard lots of contest activity in the
'non-contest' window...and only 1, yes ONE, non-contest signal in the
28.3-28.35 window.  Not to mention that neither of the participants
were N/T+'s...and that this was at 8:30 PM local, when there was maybe
one other signal on the phone segment.

> 4)  You present it as the novice/tech's as having no other option. 
> is, it's called CW.  

Yes, and there were darn few signals above 28.100, and most of those
were higher class contesters (including me) trying to scare up some

I do appreciate the efforts by the ARRL to post things here to

David Jones, KK7GW

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