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[CQ-Contest] Morons at the NCJ

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Morons at the NCJ
From: k4ik@subich.com (Joe Subich, K4IK)
Date: Sat Feb 9 17:06:59 2002

> From: Barry 
> Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 12:54 PM
> To: cq-contest@contesting.com; RTTY Reflector
> Subject: Re: [RTTY] Re: [CQ-Contest] Morons at the NCJ
> As a "two mode" contester (CW and RTTY), I agree with Tyler one 
> hundred percent.
> As I've said before on the RTTY Reflector, IMO, there are way too many 
> minor RTTY contests, and I would much rather see the activity of casual 
> (and not-so-casual) ops concentrated in the bigger contests. With no 
> disrepect intended to our XE friends, I'd like to see the XE RTTY 
> contest, and a bunch of others, just go away due to lack of interest.

The same "too many minor contests" argument could be made for all modes 
... with all the QSO parties, Sprints, various national society DX 
contests, and specialty band contests, I doubt there is a single weekend 
lacking two or three operating events. 

This year's XE International RTTU Contest was the third annual ... what 
is the participation level? 

> I, too, would like to see the WPX RTTY moved further from ARRL CW. I 
> can't operate back to back weekends seriously. In years I have 
> operated the RTTY WPX, I've done ARRL CW part-time multi at N3RS 
> (to paraphrase Seinfeld, "not that there's anything wrong with that"). 
> Some years, I like to operate ARRL CW from home, and in those years 
> I don't do the WPX test.

There wouldn't seem to be a problem swapping weekends for CQ WPX RTTY 
and XE Int'l RTTY if the two sponsors could agree.  Of course, to be 
effective, NCJ would need to agree NOT to schedule CW Sprint on the 
"Second Sunday UTC" when February 1 was a Saturday or Sunday <G>.  

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