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[CQ-Contest] Contest logging software

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Contest logging software
From: Georgek5kg@aol.com (Georgek5kg@aol.com)
Date: Mon Jun 17 09:49:05 2002
In a message dated 6/17/2002 4:35:45 AM Greenwich Standard Time, 
N6TT@hotmail.com writes:

> Looks like Im gonna have to download several and decide what wrks for
> me....I appreciate all the input -

Steve, I would give WL a strong vote over TR.  TR is a DOS program.  Not that 
there is anything wrong with that, as Seinfeld would say.  It's just that you 
would be latching onto something from an old generation.  

I have been using WL for 3 years and, although I have my frustrations with 
it, I do really love it.  A friend of mine who is a died-in-the-wool TR geek 
had me try TR.  In a way, it is really cleaver, but I did find it quite 
difficult to used to.  TR has many wonderful features, but for me WL does the 
job nicely.

Actually, you could adopt both WL and TR, and have a really fun time learning 
both.  Throw in CT and NA for grins.  With the combination, you would 
probably have max flexibility for contesting!

GL es 73, Geo...k5kg

George I. Wagner, K5KG
Productivity Resources LLC
941-312-9460 fax
201-415-6044 cell

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