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[CQ-Contest] More than misleading calls. De VY1JA

Subject: [CQ-Contest] More than misleading calls. De VY1JA
From: wn3vaw@fyi.net (Ron Notarius WN3VAW)
Date: Sun Dec 8 14:11:21 2002
It has just been pointed out to me that I made a small but significant error
in my previous posts... which actually explains a few things.

I referred to the "Northwest Territory Section."  Actually, there is no such
section.  According to my source, for RAC administrative purposes, Yukon
Territory is part of the BC section, and NWT & Nunavut are part  of the
Alberta section.

What I should have said is that we don't have a "Northwest Territory
Section" but a "Northwest Territory Multiplier," since SS rules actually
state that the mults are the ARRL & RAC sections PLUS VE8/VY1.

My apologies for the error.

This does explain why the ARRL (not RAC) is involved in the name of the
mult, since it isn't a section!  Makes more sense this way!

Now... there are three courses of action that could be taken:

(1)  Eliminate the special multiplier status for the Canadian Territories,
and treat them as part of their RAC sections.  I don't think anyone
(including myself and the VY1 crowd) want this one!
(2)  Modify the robot software to accept "YT" as a valid entry... even
though that's not technially the name of the multiplier; or
(3)  Rename the multiplier to eliminate the confusion (if any) between the
Northwest Territory and NWT Mult.  (And it's still consider the NWT mult
going back to the days when NU & even further back YT were part of NWT).

Renaming makes some sense, since I have the impression from my source that
the robot sometimes confuses NWT with NTX (both could be considered NT, for
one).  How about YNT (Yukon & Northwest Territories) or YNN (Yukon,
Northwest, & Nunavut Territories) or CNT (Canada Northern Territories -- NCT
doesn't work, it's too close to NC), to pick three off the top of my head?

73, ron wn3vaw

"You used up all the glue ON PURPOSE!"
In Memory of Shep K2ORS (SK) and 10:15 PM on WOR 710 AM

>From KØHB" <K0HB@ARRL.ORG  Sun Dec  8 19:23:07 2002
Subject: [CQ-Contest] More than misleading calls.  De VY1JA
References: <200212081550.gB8Foevh013282@contesting.com> 
Message-ID: <004301c29eef$3e9dda60$2111be3f@bigguy>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Notarius WN3VAW" <wn3vaw@fyi.net>

>  Point is, it's always been ARRL's call as to what to officially call the

Let's presume for the moment you are correct, which you aren't -- RAC, not ARRL
assigns the official section names in Canada.

But let's pretend you ARE right.

The contest scoring software ought to be 'bright' enough to accept whatever
abbreviations are in common usage.  I note that my version of CT software will
accept all the following inputs and 'score' them as NWT.  (If you run CT, open
the "sec.dat" file and note the many abbreviations it will accept, not only for
NWT, but for all the RAC sections, and dozens of USA sections.)


If Jay sends YT in CW (or Yukon on voice) the scoring robot, it seems pretty
anal for the scorer to disallow the contact on such a flimsy technicality.

With all kind wishes,

de Hans, K0HB

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