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Re: [CQ-Contest] Remote contest operation

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Remote contest operation
From: "PA5MW, Mark" <pa5mw@home.nl>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2013 22:21:34 +0200
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
On 15-4-2013 17:12, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
I guess I'm surprised by this attitude.
Being surprised about reactions here, and wanting to know if I too am loneley voicing an off-centre opinion, I quickly checked today with two regular contesters from 2 countries; they both strongly agreed with me. They both operate from home as well as at clubstations. A third op , who is very active at some of the largest MM stations in EU, just told me some minutes ago: it is allowed in the rules currently, but it should be put into a separate category. This is not an attitude this is my opinion and, as I learned today, supported by other active contesters.
I had the impression (perhaps it is incorrect) that European hams tend to live in urbanized places where the conditions for ham radio contesting (RFI, line noise, small lots) are unfavorable
It IS a major challenge operating from home in EU.
It requires effort and experimenting in other directions and forces you to set a realistic goal/enter a different category.
And I still love doing it every year.

, and that consequently they tendto band together to form clubs that can invest in rural locations.
Been there, still doing and upgrading wherever possible.
The BOG is our latest local noise fighting and final working RX antenna for the lowbands.
What is wrong, then, if one or more of the operators log on to such a station remotely.
If they want to do that to make any daily QSO/DX, I will not stop them.
But  for contesting that is , in my opionion, a shortcut which is not ok.

I greatly respect any small or large XXL station setup, also those which can be remotely operated. But if you participate in a contest, be prepared to put your butt in that seat.
Have fun in the contest, from wherever you choose to participate.

73 Mark, PA5MW

**p.s. in a few years from now F1 racing will be possible from home too.
Costly and a lot of respectable hardware and software effort to get it performing well over the internet for sure. But there will be those who finally manage to participate from home. I think the feeling is that everyone is convinced you do not whatch live helicopterview TV coverage simultaneaously. No reason to stop new technology and I support them having fun. Let's see how long that will last before a different category is started...

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