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Re: [RFI] House Ground

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] House Ground
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <k8ri@rogerhalstead.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 17:56:38 -0400
List-post: <rfi@contesting.com">mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
I added a 3 KVA, true sin wave generator with regulated output. I'm in the process of getting the two big computers (4 and 5 GHz) and the entire station (except the big amp) That 240 VAC circuit runs right along with the 30A 120VAC to the regulated supply. IOW everything is fed off one circuit. The computers are in full size, steel tower cases. (Well shielded) Both computers use 850W power supplies and have a Gigabit resident NIC There are also two servers. All this goes through a smart switch, to the router. The computers hook to the VNAs and the rigs.
I don't think I can over emphasize the need for "good" power supplies 
with dynamic power factor correction.  Many of the brand name PCs have 
supplies that must be related to wall warts.
Other than following good practice,  Using good power supplies with 
dynamic PFC, and tying everything to the SPG, I took no special 
precautions for RFI, yet have none that I've detected...so far.
HOWEVER I realize that the next time I change something, add something, 
remove something, reroute a wire...etc, the whole thing may go to pot.
If I put another computer on the network in the shop to work with that 
station, it will be wireless.  Even though I see some high speeds 
listed, I've not seen one wireless network come near the speed of my 
CAT5. I'll put up with the slower speeds for the sake of saving 

Roger (K8RI)

On 3/16/2016 Wednesday 3:21 PM, dalej wrote:
I got a Macbook Pro here in the shack that makes three.  If the snap on device 
took care of it then I wouldn't worry about trying to ground the macbook.  You 
might do harm to the macbook and not fix anything more than you already have.

Dale, k9vuj

On 16, Mar 2016, at 12:19, David Winarsky <david@winarsky.com> wrote:

I have a Macbook Pro sitting next to my Elecraft K3.  I have a USB cable going from the 
Macbook to the KAT500 tuner and found that I was getting RFI from the cable at various points 
on 20m.  I stuck 3 snap-on ferrites on the USB cable by the connector to the Macbook and that 
took care of it, however it did make me wonder if I should be bonding to computer.  
It’s not clear how, however because there’s no easy connection to the chassis.


On Mar 16, 2016, at 10:01 AM, dalej <dj2001x@comcast.net> wrote:

I have two iMacs, same deal with the PS.  I don't have any noise from either 
one.  My neighbors plasma TV I hear though.

All the Apple products I've owned since 1988 never had an issue with RFI from 
any of them.

Dale, k9vuj

On 16, Mar 2016, at 11:55, Robert Nobis <n7rjn@nobis.net> wrote:


The MacMini is the also double insulated, although it has an internal power 
supply. More and more computer manufacturers are doing this.  However, it is 
not totally clear to me how one could realistically insulate (or isolate) the 
various I/O lines from such computers. For example USB ports or audio in/out 


Bob Nobis - N7RJN

On Mar 16, 2016, at 09:13, Cortland Richmond <ka5s@earthlink.net> wrote:

On 3/16/2016 2:24 AM, Robert Nobis wrote:
Many modern, small profile, PCs have a built in power supply (switching) and are connected to 
the AC mains with a two wire cord/plug, without a “green wire”. My iMac and 
MacMini are like this as is my Microsoft Surface Pro 3.   Per your step two, should these 
types of computers also be bonded to the radio with a heavy short braid?
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appliance_classes#Class_II

My Surface Pro uses a double insulated, external power supply with a number of 
agency safety marks. Bypassing double insulation with an external ground wire 
is a bad idea, as that protection is also bypassed. It can also increase radio 
interference.  Does this mean we can't filter signals going into and out of 
such equipment? No it doesn't. We have to ensure that the signals we want to 
filter are also insulated to the same degree as the equipment is.

Cortland Richmond
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