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[RFI] Florescent TUBE style, LED replacements

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: [RFI] Florescent TUBE style, LED replacements
From: Mike Schwendeman <mike@s3com.net>
Reply-to: mike@s3com.net
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2016 13:16:22 -0500
List-post: <rfi@contesting.com">mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
Good day all;

I have been seeing more REPLACEMENT LAMPS for my shop's 4-foot florescent lamps, with the replacement being of the LED design. (-Same lumen levels, lots lower power consumption, extremely long lamp life expectancy are the selling points.)
I have read of several folks that had noise issues with under-counter 
LED strings, in which the source of the noise was the DC power supply 
for the strings of LEDs.
How are the LED replacements for standard 4-foot florescent lamps, as 
for noise or RFI generation?  (Any advice?)
Thank you, and 73;  -Mike-  K0JTA
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