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Re: [TenTec] Where do the filters go

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Where do the filters go
From: "Tommy" <aldermant@alltel.net>
Reply-to: tentec@contesting.com
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 22:15:12 -0400
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>

> N1EU wrote:
>  >I tend to agree with W4BQF on the 2.4Khz 10-pole Inrad
> as being unnecessary.  However, the 1.8Khz filter
> could be helpful if the rig is used for ssb
> contesting.

>          In my opinion, if you are a CW ONLY op, the only
> optional filter you would ever need is the Inrad 762.
> If you are also an SSB op, I would definitely add the
> 1800 filter (either the TT 218 or Inrad 761).  I used
> the TT 218 last October in the CQ WW SSB and would not
> be without it.  If you are a casual operator...no serious
> contesting, no heavy-duty low-band DX-ing, etc, you don't
> really need ANY optional roofing filters.
>                                          73,  Bill  W4ZV
Well, being a CW only op, I have to disagree with this just a little. My
Orion does not have the 1.8kc filter, so today when I received my 600hz
filter, I moved the 1kc filter into the empty 1.8kc position, put the 600hz
fliter into the 1kc position, and kept my 500hz and 250hz installed.
(Running v1.369 so I can switch the filters correctly and also so the Orion
does not crash while I'm using my Titan 3 in the Keying loop)

I then used my Elecraft wide band noise generator and watched, using
Spetragram, as I switched the filters. One thing that showed me was how far
off I had my 500hz and 250hz filters adjusted. With the Orion, Spectrgram is
an invaluable tool when used with a  wide band noise generator. You can SEE
exactly what's really happening with the filters, and when you adjust BW and
PBT....it's amazing how much your ear lies to you!! hihi.

I've been listening on 40m and 20m since installing the 600hz filter and
readjusting the centering of the 500hz and 250hz filters and I must say it's
impressive. You dig very weak signals out of the QRN using the 250hz filter
AND PBT...and it works well. Using Spetragram, you  would be amazed to watch
the signal hold amplitude as the noise drops by some 50 dB when you punch
the Noise Reduction button. Very impressive!! It's just too bad the Orion's
audio is so much more noisier that an Omni 6. The Orion does not handle
lightning crash static nearly as well as the Omni 6. (my opinion) And just
in case anyone wonders,  no need to try to get your Omni 6 Plus NOR your
Orion to run full QSK at CW speeds over 40 wpm.

The keying specs for the Omni 6 Plus and the Orion are for a keyer speed of
60 wpm max. What Ten Tec has never mentioned, that I am aware, is that yes,
the keyer will run at 60 wpm, but that does not mean it will run with full
QSK at ANY speed over 40 wpm. I was told by two different technical folks at
Ten Tec yesterday that from the Omni 6 forward, the max guaranteed CW QSK
speed is 40 wpm. Certainly the first time I've ever heard anyone from Ten
Tec make this statement. Certainly makes me VERY SAD to watch the company
that built it's present day reputation on continuiously building really top
notch CW rigs, go down to what they are putting out today.

As the saying goes with stocks,  "Present or past performance is no
guarantee if future performance."

Tom - W4BQF

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