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Re: [TenTec] Yamaha CM500 headset and Orion II

To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Yamaha CM500 headset and Orion II
From: Jim Brown <k9yc@audiosystemsgroup.com>
Reply-to: k9yc@arrl.net, Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 22:43:52 -0800
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
On 12/16/2013 9:34 PM, Richards wrote:
I KNEW it... I bet my wife you would pit your credentials
    against mine to win the debate!  In college debate ...
    this is called the "argument from authority."
I'm not debating anyone, but I did offer a response with technical 
details. Fundamental physical scientific principles are established by 
study, publication, and peer review, not by debate.
    Seems this is AMATEUR radio... but to some, there is
    little room for amateurs.  Funny, the guys at QST Magazine
    appear moderately qualified, having tested and played
Actually, nothing could be farther from the truth. Last I heard, 
articles are NOT reviewed for technical accuracy, and I find errors to 
grimace at in almost every issue. Neither QST or CQ should be read with 
any more confidence in their technical content than say, People 
Magazine. There are, of course, exceptions. Ward Silver's contributions 
are always excellent,and AA7JV did a great piece on what he calls a 
"Garden Beam" for 20M.
    with more than a few rigs over the years, and they
    thought it made sense.  If guess if I am wrong,
they are, too!
I've not seen anything in QST in the last decade or so (or even the ARRL 
Handbook) suggesting that anyone involved in the editorial process has a 
clue about audio, and I've seen a lot of stuff published that is either 
wrong or dumb. And this is about audio.
73, Jim K9YC
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