The whole antenna is importand, donĀ“t forget ground losses.
Back in the 60:ties people was thinking that a Inv V was
better then a dipole, atleast I know better know!
73 Jim
WA3GIN in Alex. City, VA wrote:
> That dropping concept in reality works fine. Most of the radiating work
> is done much closer to the feed point, the first 1/8 wave of wire either
> side of the feed point.
> 73,
> dave
> wa3gin
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of A.J. Farmer
> (AJ3U)
> Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 12:14 PM
> To: Travis Fitzgerald - VE3WO
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 80m dipole question
> The "flattened V" is okay. It does not have to be perfectly
> horizontal all the way across. Mine does the same thing with a droop
> of about 6 to 10 feet in the center and it works fine. I have even
> heard some recommend this type of droop.
> The other thing you could consider is to attach your insulators to the
> dipole a little further in towards the center and let the end slack
> droop down vertically like this:
> -------x--------
> | |
> Good luck in the contest!!
> --
> A.J. Farmer, AJ3U
> On 11/19/05, Travis Fitzgerald - VE3WO <> wrote:
>>Anyone on the reflector this morning? I'm having a small problem with
> an 80m dipole that I'm raising for CQWW next weekend. Total length of
> the dipole is 133', but distance from tower to house is about 125'
> (didn't know I was short until I tried to raise it). If I raise the
> dipole until it reaches the house, the dipole resembles a flattened "V",
> with the feedpoint at about 25'. Tower end is at 60', house end at 35'.
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