Jim, hello;
Your question about sharp bends caused me to re-investigate that statement.
is where it came from. I've seen the good result from following this group's
I'd recommend reading all the tech notes on their site,
Especially the one above, "Ham Radio Station Protection".
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Lux" <jimlux@earthlink.net>
To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Copper strap bonding ideas?
> On 1/13/12 5:39 AM, Stan Labinsky Jr. wrote:
>> John, your understanding that short is better is correct, however, taking
>> a
>> path right through your house is not, never, ever!
>> Consider also that the outside path, if accomplished with bare wire will
>> create a more intimate connection to earth which is what you want. I'd
>> suggest that at the corners of the run, that you drive ground rods.
>> Lightning doesn't like sharp bends, but having the rods at those points
>> will
>> augment the strike energy's access to ground.
> I don't know if there's any truth to the "lightning doesn't like sharp
> bends"... I'd like to see some physics behind that...
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