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Total 469 documents matching your query.

1. Re: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW SSB. Mathematics (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 10:20:55 -0500
Wrong. This practice, while seemingly streamlining everything, can backfire and cause more requests for repeats. Send the whole call every time so the other guy knows you got the whole call. Bob Nau
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-08/msg00061.html (8,670 bytes)

2. Re: [CQ-Contest] Contest Support (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 08:38:04 -0500
Ev, Anyone can operate as they see fit today. There is no requirement for an operator to operate in a manner that aligns with any specific operating category. For example, you could operate several r
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-08/msg00103.html (12,617 bytes)

3. Re: [CQ-Contest] CT is King - Everyone uses CT etc. (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2005 06:14:30 -0500
My dear brethren (and the all too few "sistren"): I would like to suggest that no one should comment further on this subject unless they actually operated a DX contest as a winning multi-multi (or an
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-07/msg00713.html (10,999 bytes)

4. [CQ-Contest] Vector Control Systems VBI-360 (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2005 22:15:09 -0500
Sadly, The company that made the VBI-360 rotor indicator is out of business. Does anyone know where the knowledge went that produced these things? They're the Great Circle map in a frame with LEDs ar
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-07/msg00741.html (7,053 bytes)

5. Re: [CQ-Contest] Contest Duration (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 08:02:16 -0500
While I don't have any objection to the addition of these categories to the contest, I just wanted to point out that there is no restriction on single band entries from making QSOs on other bands - a
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-08/msg00241.html (8,691 bytes)

6. Re: [CQ-Contest] Remote Base (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 17:11:01 -0500
What Bruce says is correct. On what basis are you challenging his statement? Contest rules do not allow for remote receiver sites. ARRL: All transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500-me
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-08/msg00361.html (10,973 bytes)

7. Re: [CQ-Contest] Remote Base (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 20:19:30 -0500
Bruce, I would suggest that the NAQP consider adding a reference to the ARRL General Rules as applying to NAQP as well. Several potential loopholes might be closed just by doing that. 73, Bob W5OV My
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-08/msg00363.html (9,579 bytes)

8. Re: [CQ-Contest] Remote Base (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 06:15:40 -0500
OK Mal, I see you added the reflector back into this discussion. That's fine. Your non-NAQP point about W6RJ is what seemed to open the door to a more generalized discussion since he was not in the N
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-08/msg00370.html (14,497 bytes)

9. Re: [CQ-Contest] Contests during Katrina recovery (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 18:38:22 -0500
Larry, I heard some traffic being passed last night on 3935, 3900, and 3873 into and out of parts of Louisiana and Mississippi. Apparently, some local phone service is available, but long distance is
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-09/msg00026.html (9,895 bytes)

10. Re: [CQ-Contest] Longest Callsign Possible? (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 08:01:40 -0500
TG0FRACAP is the longest one I recall. Not counting portable indicators (VE3/WB2ABC or WB2ABC/VE3) or Rover indicators (WB2ABC/R), what are the longest possible callsigns in probable existance today?
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-09/msg00158.html (8,850 bytes)

11. Re: [CQ-Contest] Competing in the Daylight (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 04:18:23 -0500
"It is easy to see that Packet-Cluster cheating is rampant and is a real threat to honest contesting." Please give one or more example call signs of winning or highly ranked operations that have chea
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-10/msg00183.html (8,263 bytes)

12. Re: [CQ-Contest] Competing in the Daylight (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 06:04:28 -0500
"I received 17, yes 17, private emails asking me to name names. Well for obvious reasons I am not going to do that but I wanted to respond publicly to at least this one, because I found it interestin
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-10/msg00241.html (9,839 bytes)

13. [CQ-Contest] Rampant cheating ? (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 10:45:12 -0500
because it would start an ugly name-calling mess. It would completely move the focus from the problem to individuals. My goal was/is to hilite the problem and hopefully find an equitable solution not
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-10/msg00248.html (8,666 bytes)

14. Re: [CQ-Contest] Domestic Contest Spots/Cheating (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 08:01:08 -0500
Mal, If I understand you correctly, you assume that someone is cheating if they work you after you were spotted? How far after a spot do you extend that belief? Is it a "within x minutes after a pack
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-10/msg00269.html (12,905 bytes)

15. Re: [CQ-Contest] Single Op Spot Sending (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 08:22:33 -0500
Hold it! inhibit the reception of spots while allowing one to make spots?" W0MU asked this question - not me! Bob W5OV _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list CQ-Conte
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-10/msg00299.html (7,144 bytes)

16. Re: [CQ-Contest] Domestic Contest Spots/Cheating (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 08:42:46 -0500
more because it's not going to happen under any circumstances. < Mal, With all due respect, if you make a claim that there is rampant cheating, and cannot back it up, I think it is reasonable for one
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-10/msg00301.html (8,646 bytes)

17. Re: [CQ-Contest] Domestic Contest Spots/Cheating (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 16:47:14 -0500
"Mal never said that he could or would conclude that any particular station was cheating. He merely said that the number of stations submitting logs as unassisted who worked him during periods immedi
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-10/msg00313.html (9,249 bytes)

18. Re: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW officials opinion wanted (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 08:31:13 -0500
Response from K3EST: Hello Art, Your question is a good one. The CQ WW contest uses several sources for determining multipliers. Country multipliers are determined by DXCC + additional WAE countries.
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-10/msg00437.html (9,861 bytes)

19. [CQ-Contest] Important Issues (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 10:55:54 -0500
Despite the recent furor about UA9(S,T,W) zones, and other even less important frenzied debates, we in ham radio, and in contesting have a serious problem. It has been discussed before, and I think w
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-10/msg00513.html (8,122 bytes)

20. Re: [CQ-Contest] Important Issues (score: 1)
Author: "Bob Naumann - W5OV" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 13:45:25 -0500
time? Of course not. However, if we got even a fraction of a percent of them, we would be way better off. Yes I do get the idea. Bill - please don't take this the wrong way, but continuing to list re
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2005-10/msg00536.html (7,769 bytes)

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