- 1. [CQ-Contest] OO notices (score: 1)
- Author: jljarvis@abs.adelphia.net (jljarvis)
- Date: Mon Mar 11 08:13:25 2002
- I, too, received a Popkin-Gram, a few months ago. Dave is a retired FCC field engineer, and evidently still has the juices flowing. While he has time to monitor...he doesn't make stuff up. (I won't g
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/2002-03/msg00185.html (7,824 bytes)
- 2. [CQ-Contest] Publicizing expeditions (score: 1)
- Author: jljarvis@abs.adelphia.net (jljarvis)
- Date: Tue Mar 12 09:56:07 2002
- Paul, K9PG: As I told you privately, when the snowstorm of grumbling began, some folks are jealous. It's good for the sport to publicize activity. k5zd offers some good examples of similar actions. D
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/2002-03/msg00217.html (6,682 bytes)
- 3. [CQ-Contest] smarter software? (score: 1)
- Author: jljarvis@abs.adelphia.net (jljarvis)
- Date: Mon Mar 18 12:29:06 2002
- "I wonder if we need smarter spotting software. Why couldn't the software keep track of the last 30 minutes or so of spots, and then inhibit spotting of a station if it was spotted already?" -0- Writ
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/2002-03/msg00342.html (6,733 bytes)
- 4. [CQ-Contest] Rigs on planes (score: 1)
- Author: jljarvis@abs.adelphia.net (jljarvis)
- Date: Sun Mar 24 14:24:24 2002
- Folks, There has been some good advice, and some questionable on this topic. First, I have NOT carried an HF rig onboard since 9-11. But I fly virtually every week, and I HAVE carried an HT, with no
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/2002-03/msg00431.html (7,826 bytes)
- 5. [CQ-Contest] Writelog (score: 1)
- Author: jljarvis@abs.adelphia.net (jljarvis)
- Date: Tue Mar 26 07:56:57 2002
- Didn't see the start of this thread...but W5GN and K3PP had traffic on the topic of Writelog not sending CW properly: I run Writelog in an HP laptop, 700MHz Pentium III, with absolutely no problem. C
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/2002-03/msg00479.html (6,741 bytes)
- 6. [CQ-Contest] Walking and chewing gum (score: 1)
- Author: jljarvis@abs.adelphia.net (jljarvis)
- Date: Tue Mar 26 08:07:15 2002
- With respect to Father Neiger's retirement plans for his bubble gum investment: Without engaging in speculation about our collective early-childhood development, let me merely observe that some of us
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/2002-03/msg00480.html (7,115 bytes)
- 7. [CQ-Contest] Walking and chewing gum (score: 1)
- Author: jljarvis@abs.adelphia.net (jljarvis)
- Date: Tue Mar 26 14:43:18 2002
- Dave, I've SEEN you walking and chewing gum...and you're right. The mercury amalgam is no big deal. On the other hand, consider the poor dentist, drilling all that amalgam! It's a wonder K3WW can sit
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/2002-03/msg00490.html (9,749 bytes)
- 8. [CQ-Contest] qsl's (score: 1)
- Author: jljarvis@abs.adelphia.net (jljarvis)
- Date: Fri Apr 5 15:07:33 2002
- An interesting forum, to discuss ARRL's impact on eQSL policy. This is a real conundrum; my reason for using eQSL was simplicity of providing courtesy responses to folks I'd worked. While I DO log dx
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/2002-04/msg00063.html (6,828 bytes)
- 9. [CQ-Contest] ARRL awards/contest logs (score: 1)
- Author: jljarvis@abs.adelphia.net (jljarvis)
- Date: Sun Apr 7 14:18:56 2002
- ?required! Could be one way of getting more participation in contests as well And I think it's a GREAT idea. Suggest it to your ARRL director! N2EA
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/2002-04/msg00084.html (6,711 bytes)
- 10. [CQ-Contest] (no subject) (score: 1)
- Author: jljarvis@abs.adelphia.net (jljarvis)
- Date: Tue Apr 9 10:02:21 2002
- -0- snip what's really important isn't the eQSL "card" but the log data behind that card. Now come up with a way to securely store and access that log data, so that any organization issuing awards ca
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/2002-04/msg00095.html (7,024 bytes)
- 11. [CQ-Contest] self-spotting (score: 1)
- Author: jljarvis@abs.adelphia.net (jljarvis)
- Date: Fri Apr 12 13:53:40 2002
- Folks, Self-spotting is just one more 'difficult to administer' situation, where there is opportunity for deception, and no readily apparent solution. I would recommend keeping it simple. If you are
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/2002-04/msg00130.html (8,029 bytes)
- 12. [CQ-Contest] spotting statistics (score: 1)
- Author: jljarvis@abs.adelphia.net (jljarvis)
- Date: Sat Apr 13 11:37:52 2002
- The problem with data...any data...is understanding it. NS3T's doesn't take into account the TOTAL NUMBER OF SPOTS FROM EACH STATION. It may be that what is reported represents only a small percentag
- /archives//html/CQ-Contest/2002-04/msg00143.html (8,182 bytes)
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