I am not big on "cutesy" phonetics, but there is ONE that I really like! While we were operating at Pedrito's place (NP4A) almost 20 years ago in CQWW, Andy, N2NT, started using the phonetics "No Pro
I have had a number of inquiries about the Alpha amp reflector being down and what is going on. I replied personally to all of the direct inquiries, and I posted a note to the amps reflector when the
Over the years I knew Jim as the "crazy guy" we all have lurking inside of us and that we try to keep hidden most of the time. The "craziness" was really just his enthusiasm for everything he did. Wh
Maybe a different approach should have been to ask how folks would cope with a radio that does only VOX for all modes, in which case there probably would not be any CW-PTT?-we-don't-need-no-stinking-
Fo that reason I never buy the latest of anything but rather wait some 12 months before considering buying. That has saved me a lot of agrevation over the years ! Rag--does waiting really work? I am
P.S. I have been some discussions that the antennas need to be wavelengths apart, but I think that is when you are trying to copy a single station and want the second antenna to deal with QSB and pat
Boy, I'd be drilling holes in my headphones and making little arms out front so that I could mount the glasses in some sort of flip-down config. Now that the frames are toast there is nothing holding
I'm suggesting that non-CQing stations should receive 2x points for those contacts, because S&P rates are one half of the run rates. Barry-- I don't think what you propose works in social engineering
-- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.657 / Virus Database: 422 - Release Date: 4/13/2004 -- The world's top contesters bat
Sorry folks--looks like the reflector ate my message and the embedded photo. Here is the text again without the photo. If you want to see the B&W photo I will mail a copy to you privately, upon reque
One of these days (yeah, right) I am going to invent something to get rich quick, like a pet rock or a hula hoop. This Hamvention's richest guy has to be the guy who invented the scrolling LED badge.
Try this link for a LOT of options including PED. I just found it by doing a Google search on PED + CW + 2004 http://www.dxzone.com/catalog/Software/Morse_Code_Training/ PED is on page 3. --John W0UN
Mihail-- ICE and Dunestar use capacitive top-coupling between the two parallel-tuned stages. W3NQN uses a series-tuned circuit between the two parallel-tuned stages. This results in the NQN filter ha
I have been asked for a few of the details on the filter testing so here is a brief additional note for those who are interested. Time flies when you are having fun. Didn't realize it has been this m
I always use coaxial stub filters on the outputs of the amplifiers in addition to the bandpass filters between the radio and the amp. The coaxial stubs can provide an additional 30-40 dB attenuation
At 09:05 AM 6/11/2004, R. Kline wrote: I agree in principle. However the 30-40 dB attenuation expected appears somehwhat exaggerated from my personal experience and from what I've read. Perhaps there
Surprisingly, there is a web page with a number of CW references. http://www.hamradio-online.com/1996/apr/morse.html But I can't attest to its accuracy since the one artist that I am most familiar wi
SINGLE BAND QSO SOLICITATION It has always seemed clear to me that soliciting QSOs in a contest via the telephone or internet is not within the rules for an unassisted effort, in just the same manner
i am 32 and have been a ham for 1.5 years. i know nothing of the old days. i am the future of contesting - why am i into ham radio and contesting? it's the thrill of the hunt and knowing that it is a
RE: Motherboards-- I have used and like the Soyo K7VTA-Pro motherboard for a good compromise between the old technology (an ISA slot plus 2 serial ports and one parallel port) and the new technology