See, this is the dilemna with docking a station when the other guy busts his info. N4-oh-KX works W9WI; W9WI's log says N4-zero-KX. So is it fair to dock Mark 2 points if he didn't insist on hearing
I think you took my response too literally. (understandable, I wrote it a bit too literally<grin>) In general, should an operator *ever* be dinged for errors the *other guy* makes in copying his exch
This may or may not be of interest... This morning, I whipped up a quick Perl script. It checked each call in my NAQP log, and counted how many times that call appears in my overall logbook. (98,533
You also have the ability to accept a QSO whether it's actually in your log or not. Say P5XYZ busts WI9WI's call & submits an eQSL record with my call in the "station worked" field Next time I log in
I guess it wouldn't surprise anyone here to know this contest wasn't even close..... -- Doug Smith W9WI Pleasant View (Nashville), TN EM66 ________________________________________
This post was triggered by a specific station (you know who you are<grin>) but really is just a good general principle... IF YOU DON'T RESPOND TO A QRL? CALL, YOU'D BETTER EXPECT TO FIND SOMEONE ELSE
This is the thing. Hamvention is in Dayton because it's put on by the *DAYTON* Amateur Radio Association. One can only imagine how much time - and money - this organization's members must put in to r
Here's a thought... Roughly midway between Hara and Salem Mall is a fairly large church. Many churches have meeting halls, where they hold things like potluck dinners and Sunday-school plays. Might t
I wonder... how badly performance drops off for included angles of less than 90 degrees? -- Doug Smith W9WI Pleasant View (Nashville), TN EM66 ____________________________________
I have no knowledge of how much power CN8WW was running. But... they were able to hear me on 80 and 160 (multiple times on each band). I've never run more than 1kw. They were doing *something* right.
I was lucky enough to find a military footswitch, new and sealed in a padded envelope, at the Huntsville Hamfest a few years back. Solid, HEAVY, no special padding necessary to prevent it from wander
But you're making the assumption that none of the additional 306/409/460/490 QSOs are dupes. If you don't ID frequently, the proportion of dupes among your QSOs will increase. Will it increase by mor
While IMHO a specific rule is overkill, it's not without precedent - in the Sprints entrants are required by the contest rules to ID with every QSO. (and while there is probably no contest in which
Indeed, arguably IDing every QSO makes it *easier* for the low-power and QRP ops. By removing from the pileup those competing stations who've already worked the DX. -- Doug Smith W9WI Pleasant View (
Except... for the amount of time he'd spend giving fills... An 'E' tends to get lost. It's not a good letter on phone either, where it's easily confused with "T" and "B" and "C". I wonder how much he
Of course, there's nothing that says you can't participate in ours from Finland! (well, maybe the propagation<grin>) I think this is one of the best features of Sprint. In fact... while I'm not sugge
Have you looked into TLF? It also offers Internet networking. While it runs on Linux, there is a "DXPedition Disk" CD which allows you to temporarily boot
Indeed. Heck, DXCC would be a lot easier to earn and cheaper to administer if it didn't require QSLs. Just submit a list of QSOs and you get the certificate. There'd be a lot more DXCCs out there. So
Left my 'MP monitoring some RTTY activity this morning & went on a bike ride. When I got home, the MP was deaf. Power-cycled it - now the frequency display blinks. (and it's still deaf) Try to go int
Man, that's a familiar call - and one one hates to see silenced. I never *met* him in person but we certainly worked enough times over the years -- most recently in 1995. Having attended the UW mysel