Hi: I'm looking for a place to buy those eletronic power suplies , similar to the ones used in the RG1000. Does anyone knows a supplier for those power supplies ? Street price ? Thanks, Helio.- Compu
Hi: How to "force reload" a Karlnet Flash Rom unit ? There is more then 15 jumpers and I don't have any clue about them... Does any kind soul have any documentaion on the Flash Rom units ? I saw once
Hi: I've tried also. Didn't work either. But I finally find out why: there's a limit on the mac address entries in "TurboCell Access List". In my tests, the maximum number of macs that it would allow
Hi: I've post that in last November: Just an update... I got suggestions from the list and Karlnet support sent me the 4.31 version of ISP Base to try to solve the issue. Unfortunately, the problem r
Good idea. I'll try that and report later on. But the defect then is present in 3 out of 10 (30%), all brand new units... The pcmcia cards I've already swapped and didn't work either. []'s Helio. - C
I've saw kind of erratic behaviour when one of the satellites has a bad SNR. That forces the bridge to retransmit too much. All the other clients suffer when that happens. But I didn't saw that happe
Kevin: I've sent at least 4 e-mails to Karlnet support in the last month, regarding different problems and nobody care to answer (except the one about mac limit, in the list). Why ? Regards, Helio. -
That happens *today* with me. One satellite was retransmitting like hell (the number of retransmissons was higher than the transmitted packages !!) and bogs down completely another 14 satelites. Too
Upgrade to the latest bios from Avaya. Worked for me, using Gold Cards. []'s Helio. - CompuLand ISP Admin GnuPG Public Key: http://www.compuland.com.br/helio/gpgpublic.txt
The avaya gold also works. I have several points running without any trouble. The Avaya firmware must be the latest (8.x) . []'s Helio. - CompuLand ISP Admin GnuPG Public Key: http://www.compuland.co
Hi: I would like to build a karlnet bridge using a PC, so I would be grateful to hear your advice on the subject. What is the best option: compact flash or flash rom ? Any brand recomendation ? Mothe
Hi: I have an AP1000 bridge running ISP BASE 4.02. The AP has now 12 clients, 6 PC's with linux and 6 satellites (4 RG's, 2 AP1000). The bridge does not accept any other client... If I try a PC with
I've confirmed that my AP1000 bridge running Karlnet only accepts 12 clients. I've blocked one active (using the access list) and could connect another RG running Karlnet to the station. How the Karl
Hi: I'm having a weird situation with the linux driver. Running redhat7.1. I got a "Good License Number" , "TurboCell Waiting to Register" and then a "Turbocell Shutdown" . The card keeps blinking, a
Hi: Unfortunately turning off watchdog reboot timer on the base station do not solve the lockup issue. I've done that a week ago. Today, 10 minutes ago, one base locked one of it's cards again. Lucki
Hi: 1 - Does anyone know the snmp trap to reboot an ap1000 karlnet bridge ? I have access to one by a Unix host and when it hangs, I need to reboot it, but could not use the configurator... 2 - I hav
Hi: I have an issue with an AP1000 running Karlnet TurboCell ISP. The slot one is used as a satellite to link to another AP. The slot two is used as a ISP polling base. Sometimes the slot one just ha
In my experience, no. I've tried to do so in two different bridges and it does not work. I've exchanged some e-mails with Doug, I've sent to him the configuration of my bridges, but never heard from
No, it has two standard Orinoco Gold Card with 8.10 Firmware. Regards, Helio. - CompuLand ISP Admin GnuPG Public Key: http://www.compuland.com.br/helio/gpgpublic.txt
Hi: 4.02 Ok. Yes, it works nicely. The problem could happen in the middle of the night, or during the day. The load is not high in the bridges. Other company is using FH equipment not far. The noise