Bad power injector? Disconnect the injector from the AP and measure DC voltage across center conductor and shield - CAREFULLY, of course. Shouldn't be any power supply voltage showing there. It shoul
Seems like that would be kinda normal for a polling system. The base can ping the client whenever he pleases, but the when the client pings, he's got to wait for his turn to come around in the poll c
Have you done a save/reboot with the new address before you do your pinging? At 11:44 AM 7/29/03 -0700, you wrote: I have an RG with SEC. I changed the IP address from xx.xx.xx.5 to xx.xx.xx.51. When At 08:07 AM 7/31/03 -0500, you wrote: Is there a one paragraph explanation of OFDM that someon
Setup|Bridge Setup|Advanced Features|Enable Learned Table Lockdown? Then reboot, and it should remain pretty stupid, shouldn't it? At 09:36 PM 6/3/03 +1200, you wrote: Has anyone used KN bridge's (RG
One client hogging the whole network. No bandwidth limiting/shaping in place I'm guessing.... Find the Kazaa kid and put him at 128Kbps transmit/receive and see if that helps. At 08:35 PM 6/3/03 -050
Yup. Could well be. How's the throttling being done? Is this a turbocell client or an 802.11b client? RTS/CTS settings? Are these business clients with networks or individual clients and single works
Maybe this Excel chart from Charles W.'s site might help. Then again, it might not. What's a hyperlink mini-ROR, an RG1000/AP500 with TurboCell Satellite on it?
Nate's got your answer here, Bob. Yeah it can be done. I used to do 2 and 3 wireless interface flashrom units at my old place of work, but we pretty much quit doing them more than a couple of years a
It could also be the most common mistake of putting it in forced reload mode, trying to do an Open Remote Config on it, and getting the infamous "Signtature of Remote Bridge Not Recognized" message o
Probably. They're rebadged Orinoco cards to start with. Who wants to be the first to try???? At 02:31 PM 5/21/03 -0300, you wrote: Hi: I'm trying to use some Alvarion (BreezeNet PC-DS.11b) pcmcia car
Wish the WiFi standard applied to the machine side of the interface, don't you? At 04:23 PM 4/3/03 -0500, you wrote: I am not going to try to start an argument on the list about Prism card issues, bu
In the Monitor menu, is there still an option available where you set the SNMP Poling Interval? Used to be able to change it from a minimum of 1 second intervals to a maximum of 5 minute intervals. A
Setting the MaxTX rate on the wireless interface limits the rate at which the client uploads TO the base. Setting the MaxTX rate on the ethernet interface limits the rate at which the client download
J3 is indeed the one. Turn the unit off Pull J3 shorting plug off the header Turn the unit on Go through the motions of File|Open File| with mac address/key Put the J3 shorting plug back on Reload th
Sounds like you need more signal, Bob. When they lose the 802.11b beacon, they think they've lost comm and they don't want to come back (but they ought to when they finally do receive the next beacon
Do the newer versions of FW still have the options for enabling learned table lockdown and enabling expanded IP ARP support? At 05:27 PM 3/8/03 -0700, you wrote: I've also see this happen on every fi
Polling base station implies to me that this unit is capable of talking only to other TurboCell Bridges. ISP Base Station can talk to either TurboCell Bridges or TurboCell PC Clients. At 10:18 AM 2/1
Over what distance? Makes all the difference in the world. 1 mile 3 miles 5 miles 7 miles 10 miles 15 miles 20 miles 30 miles 50 miles 80 miles Choose one. Any answers you receive before you answer a
At that range and data rate, your choices in the unlicensed world are pretty limited. Redline or Western Multiplex would be what I'd be considering. If cost is the driving factor, design the system b