I am thinking out loud here, but I do have some small experience with data recovery in a difficult channel... There are many ways to solve the problem (other than increasing the symbol rate), even wi
hi Don - looking at the rules, the receiving station must log the QTC to get credit. If the transmitter logs the QTC, and the receiver does not, wouldn't the log checking process disallow the transmi
sorry - for some reason I thought you might be unaware of the sprint, which would have been sad! AA5AU's WriteLog buffer's for the sprint may be adaptable to RCKRtty: http://www.geocities.com/writelo
hi Doug and Hisami - I do know that the QRP community will be quite happy if you can refrain from operating right on or very near near 7040. (Just one of those situations where you may not be able to
hi Phil - First wanted to thank you for finding me during your S&P stints! Each time, you were pretty weak at my end (west US) - it took a little ESP for me to realize it was you! (It sure helps to l
roger that! I wouldn't say that - I have run the full 100W in a RTTY contest using two 12V 4" fans blowing down right on the heat sink. Stays cool as can be! - jeff wk6i -- Jeff Stai jds@twistedoak.c
but you CAN do 100W if you don't mind the wind and noise...;-) 73 - jeff wk6i -- Jeff Stai jds@twistedoak.com Twisted Oak Winery http://www.twistedoak.com/ Rocketry Org. of CA http://www.rocstock.org
Reservation are now being accepted for the 8th Annual Contest Dinner at the International DX Convention in Visalia, CA. The dinner will be held Friday, April 21, 2006, with serving starting at 7:30pm
My current reservation count is about half of the eventual total last year, so I know a whole bunch of you are out there... why not sign up now? Don't be left out! Also, if you have sent in a reserva
OK - this will be the last notice I send, so before you forget again, please go to the dinner reservation page (see below) and git 'er done! The Deadline is Tuesday! AND: If you have any friends that
hi all - The Northern California Contest Club invites everyone to test out their hardware, software, firmware, and wetware for the NAQP RTTY contest this weekend. This is our traditional pre-contest
Usually this forum is burning up the wires the week before an NAQP! Last year there were many messages leading up to the contest... So: - are you planning a big effort? - are you on a team? - what do
thanks guys - we really appreciate it! - j -- Jeff Stai jds@twistedoak.com Twisted Oak Winery http://www.twistedoak.com/ Winery Blog http://www.elbloggotorcido.com/ Rocketry Org. of CA http://www.roc
hi all - Just a reminder for the Friday night practice - which is tonight! *Friday July 14, 7:00-7:30pm Pacific Daylight Time 20m (14.085), 40m (7.085), and 80m (3.585), +/- 5kHz NAQP rules and excha
hi - I currently find myself often guest operating at local 'super' stations for RTTY contests. Since these stations typically do not have RTTY set up, I end up lugging computer, rigs, and even SO2R
hi - thanks very much to everyone for the many great responses!!! The votes were overwhelmingly in favor of the IC756ProIII. The band scope (which I have never used) and the twin peak filter are espe
So, presumably we will also see the West Coast and East Coast no longer competing against each other in DX contests. Cool. Are there any horses left in the herd? -- Jeff Stai jds@twistedoak.com Twist
hi Russell - you will want to check out the digital on six group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DigitalOnSix/ Purpose: To encourage the use and development of digital modes on six meters. Using the t
hi Rick, I have two: 1. Since the amp is only for 40 RTTY, build a simple matching network into the output of the amp. You should only need a little LC to get a 40m antenna dialed in. 2. Write up som