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References: [ +from:alan_geller2001@yahoo.com: 27 ]

Total 27 documents matching your query.

1. [TenTec] OMNI V package for sale (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 14:58:45 -0700 (PDT)
Ten Tec OMNI V Transceiver in excellent electrical and cosmetic condition. Package includes Model 301 Remote tuning knob, Model 256 FM Option Board, Model 257 Voice Readout Board, Standard 2.4 Khz 2n
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00847.html (6,957 bytes)

2. [TenTec] Do you love your Omni V ?? (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2006 10:10:02 -0700 (PDT)
Do you love your Omni V ?? If so, here is a list of presents you can buy it. I advertised an OMNI V plus some options a few days ago and the unit and FM option went fast. Here is what I have left. Th
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-09/msg00033.html (7,927 bytes)

3. Re: [TenTec] Do you love your Omni V ?? (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2006 17:49:00 -0700 (PDT)
It looks OK to me, no scratches, stains or flaking. "Unblemished" is a bit of a stretch but if you are looking for a 301, you will like this one. PayPal for $80 plus $6.00 for one of those priority b
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-09/msg00041.html (8,166 bytes)

4. [TenTec] Correction/Update to "Do you love your Omni V" (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2006 18:32:00 -0700 (PDT)
So, - The 301 is sold. - The 257 voice readout board is still available to any VISUALLY disabled person. If you know of someone who could use this let me know. I did have a brainfart and put hearing
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-09/msg00046.html (7,335 bytes)

5. [TenTec] AC5 for sale (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 12:15:08 -0700 (PDT)
Hello All, I have an AC-5 QRP tuner NIB for $35 plus $6.00 shipping. If you want the original box, shipping wil have to be more since it's about 12X5X3 and won't fit in a regular USPS priority pak. R
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-09/msg00083.html (7,137 bytes)

6. Re: [TenTec] Centurion Amplifier - 110 volt? (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 08:43:50 -0700 (PDT)
Ed, I was in exactly the same situation and had a very nice Centurion sitting in my shack for 5 years. It is not an AMP that will run well on 110V. I looked at several solid state AMP's but I knew I
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-09/msg00523.html (8,828 bytes)

7. Re: [TenTec] N4PY New Omni V chips (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 15:28:45 -0700 (PDT)
Gee..if I knew that was coming out, I wouldn't have sold it :-) Glad you like it...2 1/2 more weeks and I get my VI +, I guess after 10 years I just wanted something new.......cheers, Alan Jeff KT2K
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-09/msg00613.html (11,181 bytes)

8. [TenTec] TenTec Model 254 Tuner Meltdown (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 15:05:55 -0800 (PST)
Hello All, I wonder if anyone on the list has had a similiar experience. Some years ago I was playing with a new antenna and a contact on the coil of my 254 burnt up during transmitting. I sent for t
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-12/msg00036.html (7,393 bytes)

9. Re: [TenTec] Elecraft K3 vs Orion? - Correction (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 18:22:13 -0700 (PDT)
Hello All, This may be a good time for domestic suppliers but it is even a better time for US hams. What we have been wishing for is a competitive, progressive and healthy set of U.S. suppliers and w
/archives//html/TenTec/2007-05/msg00118.html (9,637 bytes)

10. Re: [TenTec] FW: ARLX007 Motorola buys Yaesu (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 08:07:27 -0800 (PST)
Does anybody have any sense of whether Motorola will continue the amateur product line. Based on Yaesu's product line-up, Yaesu has been making big penetrations into the commercial and security commu
/archives//html/TenTec/2007-11/msg00139.html (8,124 bytes)

11. Re: [TenTec] Ten-Tec commitment to customers... (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 10:26:57 -0800 (PST)
Jerry, Your comments are all valid except that we are all in this together and should understand who we are buying from. If this specialized end of the ham radio market wasn't so small, a study of Te
/archives//html/TenTec/2007-12/msg00423.html (13,672 bytes)

12. Re: [TenTec] 95% Shield (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 11:47:40 -0700 (PDT)
I think he may be referencing the USAF and DARPA studies that indicated that the moose that were grazing in front of the BMEWS antennas were organizing to sue the DOD over thier shrinking moosehood.
/archives//html/TenTec/2008-05/msg00356.html (9,169 bytes)

13. Re: [TenTec] 4CX-1600B conversion (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2008 13:04:07 -0700 (PDT)
Hello All, Svetlana USA appears to have morphed into SED USA and the 4CX-800A which is the "improved" version of the GU-84 appears to be in full production. My Emtron DX-1b is quite happy with it's G
/archives//html/TenTec/2008-06/msg00023.html (8,894 bytes)

14. Re: [TenTec] Help me Decide ?? (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2008 10:50:10 -0700 (PDT)
An Apple executive told me that their success came from designing products with great "fingerspitzengefuhle", which to him meant that users could feel the device thru their fingertips. This is a very
/archives//html/TenTec/2008-08/msg00131.html (9,237 bytes)

15. Re: [TenTec] Microphone (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2008 14:24:12 -0700 (PDT)
I just asked Bob Heil the same question, see below: -- The Studio ONE was built for Ten Tec when they introduced the Orion 1. I used one our PR 20 microphone elements in the body. You should be just
/archives//html/TenTec/2008-08/msg00252.html (9,530 bytes)

16. Re: [TenTec] Microphones (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2008 09:11:02 -0800 (PST)
Scott, If you want the ultimate setup, take a look at VE7TK's home page. He used that audio setup with his Omni VI+ before he upgraded to to his Orion. I started on that path but decided that I didn'
/archives//html/TenTec/2008-12/msg00038.html (8,624 bytes)

17. Re: [TenTec] 4cx800s - GU74b (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2008 04:36:49 -0800 (PST)
Barry, What's the best contact for that. I plan on keeping my Emtron DX-1b forever (my forever anyway) alan/K6ADG Bought a bunch of NOS Russian tubes last year from eastern Europe, never a problem. I
/archives//html/TenTec/2008-12/msg00248.html (8,420 bytes)

18. [TenTec] OMNI VI Option3 for Sale (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 20:07:07 -0700 (PDT)
Hello All, Includes Rig, matching P.S., full filter compliment (See below), matching 705 mic. and the rare :-) and matching 254 Antenna Tuner. This unit has the Inrad Audio mod; a full set of Inrad f
/archives//html/TenTec/2009-04/msg00222.html (7,366 bytes)

19. Re: [TenTec] OMNI VI Option3 for Sale (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 01:08:53 -0700 (PDT)
Ken, You are right. What I called the 2nd IF is the 1st and what I called the 3rd IF is the 2nd and not only that, I forgot that my nicely formatted (albeit mislabeled) chart would not survive Yahoo'
/archives//html/TenTec/2009-04/msg00225.html (11,045 bytes)

20. Re: [TenTec] OMNI VI Option3 for Sale (score: 1)
Author: alan geller <alan_geller2001@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 01:20:38 -0700 (PDT)
Ken, As long as your offering your opinion, what do you think of the current filter lineup (in a corrected/attached chart) as a tradeoff for an operator who uses both voice and CW. alan/K6ADG And...a
/archives//html/TenTec/2009-04/msg00226.html (8,004 bytes)

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