The power supply is a 32 amp switching supply...meter on the amp is pretty steady at 13.8 but note my digital meter is a bit off...perhaps by a half volt or so. given that the LLD is now connected es
Actually, I really have next to no output when I bypass the PA...the two watts I get is when the PA is in line...possibly it is only getting 200mW and the PA is bringing it up to 2 watts (?)...Paul f
Well, the saga addition to the previous work I have replaced the diodes on the SWR board as well as the TX mixer board no diff. Present condition: PA bypassed from circuit altogether w
Thanks Mike...checked most of what you have listed already including the VFO Amp and I already replaced the 2n3866's :)... Time to look at the passive components on the LLD I would be help
oh my,...I think I have exceeded my bandwidth usage on this one...but yes, there are some misunderstandings: Forget the PA...I don't even care if it works or not at this stage (pardon the pun)...I ne
I had the same problem with mine...I had to play with the final bias as it was not sufficient and going into class C I believe...As I recall the curent reading ended up being bit higher than called f
when I tuned up my Argosy a while ago I did it to spec...I kept getting complaints of distorted audio, took me forever (as it often does) to find the bias was too low despite d=being wha
For those of you who have been helping along with the OMNI D low power issue, here is the update: I dragged out the fluke scopemeter tonight and did some checking...the amount of power going into the
Well Rick, you win the were correct...I could have saved myself some time had I checked this sooner, of course...I knew I was close when I injected a 0 dbm signal at the tx mixer output a
John I am up to my elbows on the bench right now, but when I get cleaned up I will look at my ARGOSY...seems I recall the little metal plate you mention...I did not have any issues and also had some
Author: Scott Sheppard <>
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2012 13:08:27 -0500
I too really had not thought too much about the Crystal filter--I even had it out last night...the receive has worked during all of this nonsense...I have a 1.8 and will play around for fun... scott
Author: Scott Sheppard <>
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2012 14:02:03 -0500
So the next stage of the problem would seem to be finding out why teh crystal is baving linke it is the situation: 1. Normal filter left in place -great receive, no problem... -virtually no
I will....right now I am going to take the dog out and get some air! Even with the rig off, and both the xtal filter and TX mixer boards removed...the output pin on the tx mixer is common to ground--
Well done Gents!...tweaked the trimmer caps on the SSB Gen board and we are back in the game...many I have lots of alignment to do as well as still doing all all the other things that we
Author: Scott Sheppard <>
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2012 18:47:55 -0500
Too much fun...its almost sad when it ends hi...sincerely appreciate the help. I may look at getting a simpler Osc scope...the fluke was nice and easy to use... i have a HP 1703 of my own--just have
John how goes the battle? I had a look at my rig and only have a couple machine screws holding the plate...perhaps yours is a bit different? I have a very early analog Argosy...send me a pic if you c
I think I may be able to help on this having spent a LOT of time inside the OMNI...adjust the thumbwheel POT on the mixer/vfo board--it will ensure you are sending enough signal to stay on freq and s
Author: Scott Sheppard <>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 14:25:43 -0500
Yes, thats the should then see it go back on freq and not just reading the counter presets...I am at the rig now and just confirmed... scott va3ied _________________________________________
remember there are 3 pots there/// (maybe just 2 on the omni c) the one that actually turns in a direction parallel to the board should be it. i believe it is actually called the mixer balance...are
you are correct's why you can actually receive dual signals simultaneously when using the 243 external vfo...pretty cool actually... As for Mikes problem, I am unclear as to whether or not