Bill and all, My crank up is bolted to three 3/4" diameter lengths of all-thread held in place in 7/8" holes (prepared as specified by the manufacturer) using Simpson Strong Tie two part construction
Hi, Ron, As Tom F. wrote, the ARRL CE program is a place to start. If you are contemplating buying a new tower, most of the tower companies have PE's that can help you get a wet seal stamp for their
Paul, Thank you AES. I've mail ordered from you for 45 years, in the early years a postal money order in an envelope, but I must confess, as of late, my favorite gear and accessories have come from d
The Bureau of Labor Statistics produces data that has been collected, collated and produced the same way each year. They track "participation in the labor force" as an independent variable - the part
oops, didnt attach the BLS link: Mickey Baker, N4MB Palm Beach Gardens *Tell me, and I will listen. Show me, and I will understand. Involve me, and I will l
Interesting conversations with a bunch of smart people sometimes evolve into more than the subject at hand and I find this thread enjoyable. Thanks to Steve letting this go on, he's one of those folk
This thread WOULD be dead except for those who are complaining about the thread not being dead. Mickey N4MB Mickey Baker, N4MB Palm Beach Gardens *Tell me, and I will listen. Show me, and I will unde
Earl, and all, Modeling is getting easier all the time. There are a lot of places that you can get free trial software - Solidworks and Nastran, for example - and buy it if you have a real project wh
It is very much a midwest event - people drive to Dayton with truckloads of stuff. I don't think it will move too far. Wright-Pat might be a security issue... they might work with the museum, but it
Perhaps. Lasting through the next big windstorm is another story. The HAM IV is a fairly light rotor. If you considered a lightweight 40m yagi, perhaps. It's rated at 1.4 sq m wind load. But you're a
I would choose a length with good radiation efficiency. There's a group on Yahoo! about "skywire" antennas and here's a good article that models a 574' skywire: I'm working
Here a link to a photo of a neighbor of mine's 3 element steppir after Hurricane Wilma in 2005, 105+ MPH winds. All the elements were retracted. He replaced the fiberglass poles and was good to go. H
2" ball would limit the working load for a hitch to 3500 pounds maximum. Likely, these trailers are less than 2000 pounds. Even at 3500, you could tow one with a Subaru Outback and appropriate hitch,
Alodine. Easy, fairly cheap, good long term protection. Chromate coating, two stage process. Mickey Baker, N4MB Palm Beach Gardens *Tell me, and I will listen. Show me, and I will understand. Involve
There are some good flint spark igniters out there, like the one at, but you might try using one of the long barbecue grill lighters. Remember that you're welding, so wear appropriate clothi
I had engineering done for an HDX-589 last year and have just received permission to erect it. I opened the HRO site and stared at the prices a few days back and just shook my head. Not able to affor
Why don't we ALL call HRO? Mickey Baker, N4MB Palm Beach Gardens *Tell me, and I will listen. Show me, and I will understand. Involve me, and I will learn. *Teton Lakota, American Indian Saying. ____
That's my takeaway. Or, there's some move afoot to simply make more money now that they feel that they have a lock on the market, whether amateur or military. US Tower is a privately held company, no
Exactly what I intend to do. But going through the approval loop to legally erect a tower is a time consuming, expensive process. I have over $1,000 into approvals for a US Tower product, including $
Engineering in my municipality requires a specific structural analysis for the product for the site. If the product cannot be certified for my wind code, I can't get a permit to install it. US Tower