What you did falls right into the concept of the old saying .... "Don't ever give a bureaucrat a chance to say no". This does work a lot of the time, maybe more times than people realize. However, wh
I like that rotating curtain. However, I can't think of a way to slip it into my neighborhood unnoticed. -- Wes Attaway (N5WA) -- 1138 Waters Edge Circle - Shreveport, LA 71106 318-797-4972 (office)
I think Jerry is exactly correct. You can actually use that turned end for a crude screwdriver in tight spots. -- Wes Attaway (N5WA) -- 1138 Waters Edge Circle - Shreveport, LA 71106 318-797-4972 (of
I think you will have to fabricate an actual rigid sleeve. A plastic bag won't do it. -- Wes Attaway (N5WA) -- 1138 Waters Edge Circle - Shreveport, LA 71106 318-797-4972 (office) - 318-393-3289 (cel
I have had excellent results with the following items made by Cutler-Hammer: SurgeTrap CHSPMAX (AC power lines) SurgeTrap DHW4PT (handles up to 4 Telco lines) SurgeTrap DCXCAB2 (handles up to 2 cable
My 5-el Telrex 20M beam used a 4:1 transformer. I no longer have that antenna but I do know that was what it used. -- Wes Attaway (N5WA) -- 1138 Waters Edge Circle - Shreveport, LA 71106 318-797-4972
A while back W9CF (or someone) posted a message that included the following link: http://fermi.la.asu.edu/w9cf/index.html There is a list of interesting topics, and down in the lower part of the list
Copper always turns green when exposed to the elements. There is no need to protect it except where it makes a connection. The green copper will outlast you by hundreds of years. You can use various
I remember years ago (probably around 1955 or 56) reading about SWR in QST. The article was written by one of the old sages of the day and the defining point about SWR was this: "The SWR is determine
You can easily see the effect of a tree (such as a tall Pine) if you drop a vertical wire a few feet from the tree. A common scenario is for an Inverted L or a top loaded Tee, where the vertical wire
Rick: Nice installation. From the looks of your terrain, at least your shack won't be torched during the next wildfire season. There is something to be said for wide open fields, other than just ante
I think it would be a mistake to entirely cut away the gusset plates. I do think, however, you could remove part of the plates, leaving good bracing in the corners. I'm not sure all this would be wor
News of a bad accident in Florida: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33288707/ns/us_news-life/ -- Wes Attaway (N5WA) -- 1138 Waters Edge Circle - Shreveport, LA 71106 318-797-4972 (office) - 318-393-3289 (
This may be a stupid question but here goes. Given that most hams are not trained in the use of man lifts, why would it make sense for a ham to go rent one and use it? It seems to me that it would ma
Here are some further comments re Jim's info regarding possible use of pulleys to overcome the effects of sap and tree growth. 1. Method #1 is to simply haul a pulley with a line through it up to the
In the true spirit of hamming, just put it up and try it. The tower/beam might work OK. But, it might not. I once had an R-5 up like that and it worked great. I think you will get a lot of differing
Bob -- I rest my case. You got a lot of different opinions. Try it and let everyone know how it works. -- Wes Attaway (N5WA) -- 1138 Waters Edge Circle - Shreveport, LA 71106 318-797-4972 (office) -
A lot of good suggestions, but let's beat this dead horse one more time. Sunspots, listening, luck, etc are all valid but if you spend too much time wondering whether or not something will work then
You need to observe the signals over a period of time. Keep the data in a notebook so you can have an accurate record of what you observed (heard). You will probably notice that the antennas will com
I think the biggest problem with using galvanized fencing for radial material is that it corrodes fairly rapidly in most locations where it is placed on or under the soil. I would not give it a gener