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[AMPS] poor science?

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] poor science?
From: (
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 19:52:52 EST
In a message dated 3/5/00 7:44:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

>  I wrote:
>  > "This whole parasitic thing is a major exercise in bad science and 
>  > >bad physics. I suspect it is designed to make a few bucks selling 
>  > >snake oil to suckers, or to woo a fan club of people who just don't 
>  > >understand how things work and are looking for one simple answer to
>  > >complex questions."
>  You replied:
>  > IMHO the only snake oil being sold is the frantic attempts to discredit
>  > Mr. Measures. Innuendo about his mental abilities or his integrity appear
>  > to be a bait and switch tactic that some may use to keep interested
>  > parties from looking to closely at the shoddy  design and construction of
>  > commercial amplifiers that they may have a vested interest in.
>  There is a large difference between pointing out bad science and 
>  attacking the person.
>  Most non-technical people have problems understanding the 
>  difference between technical discrediting and personal attack.
>  This is probably a carry-over of the "anything you say and do is 
>  correct" system in schools.
>  73, Tom W8JI
>  ------------------------------------------------
>  > >  I suspect it is designed to make a few bucks selling 
>  > >snake oil to suckers, or to woo a fan club of people who just don't 
>  > >understand how things work and are looking for one simple answer to
>  > >complex questions."

A physicist with any integrity and credibility would not counter someones 
contradictary argument with juvenile name calling as done above but with 
reasoned logic if he really does not intend to demean them.  Apparently Tom 
doesn't think saying somene is SELLING SNAKE OIL TO SUCKERS isn't a personal 
attack? Speaking of  the pot calling the kettle black, I wonder if  
W8JI/Ameritron made a few buck in the deal?  I think the quality (?) of 
Ameritron amplifiers speaks for itself.

Regarding non-technical people, whoever said that physicists know anything 
about practical electronics design?

I'm afraid that someone's ego is showing here and a low grade nnuclear 
explosion is about to occur in an underground gold mine.


Dave, WT8R

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