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Re: [Amps] A Crying Shame

To: <>, <>," AMPS" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] A Crying Shame
From: R.Measures <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 03:23:52 -0800
List-post: <>

>Sorry to hear about the trouble shipping that amp.  Peanuts and 
>bubble wrap do not make good packing material for heavy amps. 

--  Plastic peanuts in half-full, taped-shut  plastic grocery bags work 
fairly well.  [the bags keep the peanuts from shifting around the 
amplifier during transient].  .

>The only way I would ship a heavy amp is to foam in place and UPS has 
>that capability.  You also must use a very sturdy box.  I don't trust 
>packaging stores to pack special items like amplifiers.  So next time 
>do a foam in place and do it yourself or supervise it being done. 
>It's worth the extra time and  money.

**   ...  ... ... and tubes that don't have a bayonent-mount need to be 
shipped separately.  
cheers, Dale
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