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Re: [Amps] Conservation of Energy!

To: <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Conservation of Energy!
From: "Carl Clawson" <>
Date: Sun, 06 Dec 2009 08:10:06 -0800
List-post: <">>
There is another aspect to this sad yet funny tale, which is rampant in our
society: innumeracy. People generally have no sense of magnitudes or
estimation skills. When the newspaper accidentally prints "million" when
they mean "billion" hardly anyone notices -- not the copy editors, nor most

Electricity rates are, at worst, 0.20 per kWh in the U.S., and the average
is half that. Running sideband you are probably drawing less than a kilowatt
from the mains while speaking. Assuming you talk half the time, you're
averaging < 500 W. That's five to ten cents an hour. Unless you're on the
mike 12 hours a day, you're looking at a few bucks a month.

(This is why I like contesting and DXing. You don't have to talk about
anything on the air.)

73 -- Carl WS7L

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