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Re: [Amps] I answered it.

To: Carl <>, amps <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] I answered it.
From: Ron Youvan <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2011 18:04:36 +0000
List-post: <">>
Thank you Carl:

> A. 200W is for the USA only so dont go preaching to an "alien"

  Steve signed a private E-mail to me as:
"Clueless in Tucson..." which made me think he is a local.

> B. CW and all data modes are legal on 30M and that includes that RYRYRY
> stuff.


> C. Its a very popular QRP CW band as well as lots of DX chasing at all
> power levels. All DXpeditions include 30M.

   Since 30 meters in not a IARU band, countries can only authorize its use 
within it's own country, 
radiation outside of one's country is interference to services outside of the 
amateur service.
So use by DX stations surprises me.  from:
30 meter band plan  IARU Region 1
License class   10.100-10.140   10.140-10.150           
SSB may be used during emergencies involving the immediate safety of life and 
property and only by 
stations actually involved in the handling of emergency traffic.

The band segment 10.120 to 10.140 may only be used for SSB transmissions in the 
area of Africa south 
of the equator during local daylight hours.
    ---   ---   ---
IARU Region 2  10.100-10.130    10.130-10.140   10.140-10.150
IARU Region 3  10.100-10.140    10.140-10.150
Canada         10.100-10.130    10.130-10.140   10.140-10.150  Basic(+), 
United States  10.100-10.150 Ext., Adv., Gen. (200 watts)       

> D. The TL-922 will have to be used in the 20M position otherwise no
> power will get thru the tuned input and outputs. The input bandwidth
> will probably work to some degree with some help from an ATU but I dont
> know about the output tank. Most tuned input amps Ive tested will cover
> 30M at around 50% efficiency. Others using broadband resistive inputs
> run close to full bore.

   What good is getting that 3dB gain from his TL-922 going to do him?
  (while burning an extra 400 Watts during key down)

> E. Im approaching 300 DXCC on 30M CW with 100-150W and its also my usual
> QRP band with a 1934 National FB-XA and 1938 Meissner Signal Shifter at
> 5W. Antenna is the parallel 160/80M inverted vee without an ATU.

   I am much amazed and impressed!
    Ron  KA4INM - If you have any criticism for me constructive or otherwise
                  keep it to yourself, at my age I just don't care anymore.
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