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Re: [Amps] Alpha 87 (not 87A)

Subject: Re: [Amps] Alpha 87 (not 87A)
From: Steve Wright <>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2017 08:31:32 +1300
List-post: <>
On 09/11/17 08:26, Jim Thomson wrote:
## Ok, so there is no IMD on the bands, and NO key clix, or any other issues,
and everybody and their dog knows how to tune up a grid driven amp, and also
a cathode driven amp. And they all know how to tweak a speech processor.
And yes, I read all your earlier posts.

You see, once again you reverse your own logic in an effort to defeat and persuade - all the while refusing to back up your opinions and beliefs, but presenting them as fact.

Keep doing it and I'll keep pointing it out.


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