Come on Trey...word is that you will be operating from Ken's for the code
weekend. By the way, watch out for the loud MM signals from the south in
73 Jim KC1SJ
>From (Bill Fisher, KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc.) Tue Feb 14
>14:21:39 1995
From: (Bill Fisher, KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc.) (Bill Fisher,
KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc.)
Subject: CW Sprint Notes
Message-ID: <>
-First time I ever that I couldn't hear Dallas on 20M at the start.
-Worst 20M condx ever. Hardly ever worked 2 stations on same frequency.
-N2IC was SOOOOO loud on 20M, I couldn't get within 5KC of him and still
copy a report. K3LR said N2IC was noticably down in PA. Go figure.
-40M was awsome.
-VY1JA called me, gave me #6. 2nd rig pays.
-I went to 80m at 0230 and still only made 80 or so QSO's there. 40M just
kept producing QSO's.
-Why are 3 of the largest clubs (PVRC, FRC and YCCC) so noticably absent
from this event? It's not like you can't do well from up there. K1KI is
always top ten. Also, do you know which state has won the CW Sprint more
than any other? PA!!!! Can't be that it takes too much time... It's only
4 hours long. Any ideas? Kudos to K3WW, K2WK, KZ2S, K1KI, ect.. who do
get on from up there... Much appreciated.
-It may not count for WRTC, but this is the best test of an operator there
is... Period.
Bill Fisher, KM9P - Concentric Systems, Inc.
>From Derrick Belbas <dbelbas@csdxp01.City.Winnipeg.MB.CA> Tue Feb 14 14:39:29
From: Derrick Belbas <dbelbas@csdxp01.City.Winnipeg.MB.CA> (Derrick Belbas)
Subject: how-to on a SB200?
Message-ID: <sf406c8a.035@City.Winnipeg.MB.CA>
Hi all. In the interest of improving a LOT of scores in the next week or two,
can anyone point me to a known procedure to get a SB200 to work on
160m? I picked up an old beater just for this, and I think it'll help a lot.
73.. Derrick VE4VV
>From Setzler" <Setzler@C813.NPT.NUWC.NAVY.MIL Tue Feb 14 14:46:51 1995
From: Setzler" <Setzler@C813.NPT.NUWC.NAVY.MIL (Setzler)
Subject: UPDATE:TS-940 IF-10B NONavailability
Message-ID: <n1419367225.60020@C813.NPT.NUWC.NAVY.MIL>
I've still been making inquiries into the possibilities of finding the IF-10B
and being able to use contesting s/w with rig control with my 940. Things
continue to look grim. Here's an input I received:
"The problem is that the IF-10B has a PROM on it for which Kenwood owns the
code. I've heard of a guy copying some for friends, but he declined to offer
them to the public because Kenwood refused to authorize the code to be
That's a "nice" endorsement for a company "dedicated" to support their
customers. Does anyone have Kenwood Customer Service's E-Mail address to
forward this to?
73 de James Setzler, KD1NG ..
>From (Joe Ham) Mon Feb 13 13:57:29 1995
From: (Joe Ham) (Joe Ham)
Subject: NC6U Sprint Score (yawn..)
Message-ID: <>
Heck, buy her a sat dish and point it away from all your antennaes--or,
buy her a bunch of videos from the 20's and 30's and you could run 100KW
and she wouldn't notice
Seriously, I sympathize with you--I have the same problem!
>From R. Torsten Clay" < Tue Feb 14 14:51:52
From: R. Torsten Clay" < (R. Torsten Clay)
Subject: N4OGW CW Sprint
Message-ID: <>
Summary NCJ CW Sprint February 1995
Report sent: # TOR IL
Band Valid QSO's Mults
80 90
40 87
20 65
242 X 44 = 10,648 points.
Equipment: 95' center fed zepp at 70', 500 watts, N6TR software.
Before this contest I lengthened the 40m dipole to 95 feet (the exact
space between the trees) in an effort to increase 80m signal and make 20m a
little less directional...I think it helped. The skip on 20 was way too long
for the midwest...but 80m was fun!