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[CQ-Contest] ARRL DX varying Power levels sent by DX

To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] ARRL DX varying Power levels sent by DX
From: "Mike Smith VE9AA" <ve9aa@nbnet.nb.ca>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 08:56:06 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Wasn?t the rule clearer on this many years ago or is it just me?
Reading 3830 & other reports and some comments within my own contest club
(MCC) seems I was not alone.

On the different power levels, yes, sometime Saturday I edited 3 (separate)
previous QSO'S because I (mistakenly?) thought I must've got sloppy
overnight and copied the previous power level wrong.  The more the contest
went on, the more I was sure I hadn't been that sloppy (especially if I now
saw 2-3-4 previous Q's, say , all with 500 and someone was now sending me a
"k", so I just left everything as-is sometime Sat evening onwards.  

I've seen this before in this contest, but it's usually "rare".  This time
it wasn't rare.  Maybe because activity levels were very high?  I thought
there USED to be a line in the rules that said something like "send the same
power level regardless of band" but maybe it's my imagination or it was too
long ago for me to find.  

Mike VE9AA ?NB

Mike - Keswick Ridge, NB, Canada 

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