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RE: [Karlnet] What are the advantages, when using [Karlnet]

To: <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Subject: RE: [Karlnet] What are the advantages, when using [Karlnet]
From: "Charles Chia Sheng Wu" <cwu@cwlab.net>
Reply-to: karlnet@WISPNotes.com
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 19:11:21 -0500
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
>There is a big difference between reusing a white paper, without noting
>the proper author, and using documentation/software licensed, from the
>manufacture, with expressed permission for use as an OEM!! Please get
>your facts straight before posting.        

and you are so sure that we don't have permission?


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