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[TenTec] cascaded filters was Omni V audio

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] cascaded filters was Omni V audio
From: bstephens1@mindspring.com (ROBERT STEPHENS)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 8:15:4 -0500

Between reading QST articles and reading threads on this list, I've become an 
appliance operator with a little bit of knowledge. Of course, a little bit of 
knowledge can be dangerous <g>
As I understand it , in a rig like the Omni V or VI,  filters in the upper and 
lower IF can be combined (cascaded) to produce a steeper filter. Thus , two 
cascaded 2.4 filters at 6.3 and 9 MHz will be sharper than one 2.4 filter at 
6.3 alone. On the other hand, when there is no QRM on the band, the single 2.4 
filter at 6.3 will sound more pleasant than the 2 cascaded filters so it is 
best to be able to  bypass the cascade and use the filters one at a time when 
conditions warrant.
I believe that the Omni V/VI/Paragon rigs have 3 optional slots for filters at 
9 MHz and 2 optional slots for filters at 6.3 MHz and 1 standard hard wired 2.4 
MHz  filter hard wired in at 6.3 MHz.
If  I bought an Omni  (or a Paragon) and wanted the best, fullest ragchew audio 
possible while also having good QRM fighting potential, what would be a good 
combination of filters?

9 MHz:     2.8., 2.4,  and 1.8     ?
6.3 MHz   2.4, 1.8,   and 500     ?
would the following combinations be possible: 

2.8 only (2nd filter bypassed) for best audio

2.8 plus 2.4 for good audio but a little sharper
2.4 only for slightly sharper

2.4 plus 2.4 for sharper

1.8 plus 1.8 for sharpest ssb 

1.8 plus 500 for casual cw

tnx & 73
.--- Bob Stephens,  KB1CIW--- bstephens1@mindspring.com
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