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Re: Topband: N5J

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: N5J
From: WW3S <>
Reply-to: WW3S <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 23:59:28 +0000
List-post: <>
test, me thinks my account bounced

------ Original Message ------
From "EUGENE GABRY via Topband" <>
To "GEORGE WALLNER" <>; "160" <>
Date 8/10/2024 8:19:34 AM
Subject Re: Topband: N5J


Heard you this morning (08/10/24) about 45 minutes before local sunrise (10:15 
to ~10:45UTC) for about 30 minutes.
Noise floor here was running S3-S5 and you were right in that noise floor most 
of the time. Only a TX antenna, no RX
antenna. Although some would say my TX antenna is more of an RX antenna! 
Parallel inverted L wire tied to feed point
of 6BTV 25' vertical to knee, 107' horizontal heading SW. Tried a few times to 
call you but you were working mostly JA at the time.
I need to get up earlier for a better try! At least your signal was heard in 
Will try to stay up until 08:00 utc this time instead of relying on alarm to 
wake me!

73 and GL,
Gene, N9TF
Clarksville, TN
 On 08/09/2024 3:58 PM CDT GEORGE WALLNER <> wrote:

 Generally, we go to 160 around 0500 until we run out of callers. We are
 trying for EU at that time, but NA is much appreciated too. Then we QSY to
 80 and come back to 160 around 0830 Z. Stay on 160 as long as we are working
 people but it has been slow the past two nights and we had to QSY to a more
 "productive" band. We come back to 160 one hour before our SR.
 GL and 73,


 On Fri, 9 Aug 2024 07:50:41 -0600 Mike Fatchett W0MU  wrote:
 >It doesn't appear that they made it back to 160.  Maybe today!
 >On 8/9/2024 2:31 AM, Steve Harrison wrote:
 >>He'll be back on 160m again soon (probly 08Z or so), for the east coastSR as 
well as the JA SS (although he may QSY down the band for the JAs).I heard one of the 
HL3s say something about being restricted to below1820, possibly from QRM, since I've 
worked HL5IVL on 1823.5.
 >>Steve, K0XP
 >>On 8/9/2024 1:18 AM, Mike Fatchett W0MU wrote:
 >>>The came on early and I nearly worked them but my KAT500 tuner was not
 >>>up to the task.  I did work them on 80cw easy.  I hope they show soon
 >>>on 160 again.
 >>>On 8/8/2024 4:22 PM, Ron Spencer via Topband wrote:
 >>>>George, thanks for the Q last night. I'm out in NM and have a verysmall 
set up. Inverted L and maybe 40', beverages to NE and SW (500'long) and just 500W.
 >>>>As you certainly heard, almost constant QRN. I have no idea how manytimes 
you may have come back to me but finally, enough of a breakwhere I heard you, clearly, for 
just long enough to make the Q.
 >>>>On this set up you were maybe S1 or 2. Great ears at your end.
 >>>>Thanks for putting Jarvis on the air!
 >>>>N4XD/5 DM64
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