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[Towertalk] guying tolerance

To: <>
Subject: [Towertalk] guying tolerance
From: (Mark .)
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 12:31:23 -0400
Rick wrote:

<<What I do to get accurate layout the easy way is to use TWO tape measures 
simultaneously, with the zero ends of the tape measures
going to existing points, and the far ends crossing over at the right
distances.  IE triangulation.  This is way easier than spray painting
arcs and using temporary markers, which is what I did before thinking
of the 2 tape measure system.  You can get cheap tape measures at
Harbor Freight, so expense is no barrier. Rick Karlquist  N6RK >>

Good idea, Rick. Much faster, at least, especially if you have two people. 
You must have calculated the anchor-to-anchor distance ahead of time.


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