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Re: [TowerTalk] 75 meter antenna

To: Al Williams <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 75 meter antenna
From: David Jordan <>
Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 12:44:21 -0400
List-post: <>
Yes, I've not run the measurements myself...a friend provided theidb my current configuration there are
reflectors on the ground that are cut 5% long.  I doubt they will add 
much but you might try adding them to your EZNEC.

4 or 7db it does the trick...


Al Williams wrote:

>EZNEC shows that this configuration is a barn burner for straight up 
>propagation providing about 4 db gain over a single dipole and much 
>attenuation at lower elevation angles.  However EZNEC shows that raising the 
>antennas from 15' to 20/25 adds about 1 db of gain.  NVIS articles and 1 
>book that I have read say
>that the optimum height is about .2 lambda which agrees with my EZNEC 
>modeling. Raising the antennas also makes the input impedance a bit more 
>EZNEC doesn't seem to agree with the "...theoretical gain of about 7db"  as 
>it reports about 10 dbi?
>It would seem that this configuration would be especially helpful in areas 
>with high ham populations--not so good in Wyoming, etc.

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