On page 101 of the May 2003 issue of QST is the "ARRL June VHF QSO Party
Contest Announcement." It is different than the contest rules
(http://www.arrl.org/contests/forms), and seems geared towards generating
interest in the contest by casual readers.
Example "Relative challenge: VHF/UHF/Microwave operation presents unique
challenges that test the best equipped operators, but it is also possible
for someone to participate in this even with modest stations. You will get
better results utilizing SSB or CW instead of FM. The more bands you are
able to utilize the better your results." Makes sense.
Another was "Special interest: If the solar flux index is high, be sure to
check out activity on 50 MHz." This one seems odd to me as the primary 50
MHz DX prop. mode in the June contest is Es, which has no statistical
relation to the solar flux. F2 prop. on 6 Meters, which is related to the
solar flux index, almost never occurs in the June VHF QSO Party no matter
how high the solar flux index, due to the winter anomaly.
Interesting effort by the ARRL to encourage interest in the June VHF QSO
Party, though the statement regarding the solar flux index may be
- Jon NØJK