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[AMPS] 4cx5000

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] 4cx5000
From: (
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 13:15:14 -0500

On Fri, 22 Jan 1999 08:54:35 -0500 Steve <> writes:
>Carl, just what is YOUR problem?

And in rides another mind control PC crappola reflector cop. 

Why dont some of you just get it?  I did not get on this reflector to win
a popularity contest or conform to someone elses way of expression. 
If I can offer assistance, I do it without any hesitation. 
When I'm wrong I admit it and have acquired some valuable knowledge, but
OTOH I have little tolerance for smoke screens, voodoo science, over
hyped products and the like. Don't like it?  Tough luck, try the delete

I'm not going to waste any more space on the reflector in a lose-lose

73  Carl  KM1H

>90% percent of the stuff going back and forth is done in a civil 
>even if both sides are not in agreement, but your main focus seems to 
>just plain nasty when you can.
>You make personal judgements and attacks on people you don't know, 
>which is
>not called for.  Unsolicited snide remarks when ever possible.  You 
>passed your attitude off once as just being the way people are up in 
>England or some such nonsense.
>Just who 'crapped in your Wheaties'?
>Steve, NJ4F
>At 03:43 AM 1/22/99 -0500, wrote:
>>On Fri, 22 Jan 1999 02:01:51 -0600 Jon Ogden <> 
>>>>And doesnt even know how to figure xfmr and PS specs!  Probably fry 
>>>>butt before it gets on the air anyway.  I didnt notice a ham call 
>>>>so it may be for CB.
>>>>I'm sure Rich and a few others will continue to encourage him 
>>>>order to stroke  their egos.
>>>Gees...Nice guys on the reflector here.  Some guy comes in, asks a 
>>>question and he gets shot to heck.  Come one guys.  Give me a break. 
>>Give you a break? I dont remember u on the return mail list.  99% of
>>questions and  helps get answered on this reflector.
>>Neither do I care for anyone trying to force their version of Social
>>Engineering on me; you dont like my comments...too damn bad.  Get 
>used to
>>>Isn't that the purpose of elmering - to teach those who don't know.
>>Yep, hams that try and follow rules, and have enough up front 
>>This is not AMPS-101
>>>What if the guy isn't a ham?  Shouldn't we help to educate him and 
>>>him into the fold instead of just ranting criticism. 
>> You gotta be kidding. 
>> And to top it 
>>>off, the people who help to elmer the guy are then criticized.  Give 
>>>me a 
>>>break.  No wonder people don't want to be in our hobby.
>>Dummies, CBers and 10kw HAMS need not apply.  Which one is ur 
>>BTW, how many years will it take you to get an amp working even after 
>>the help from the reflector?
>>But yet you always seem to have an opinion based upon zero or little
>>>Did you guys ever bother to ask the fellow what his use was? 
>>Is this " 20 Questions".   Or dont you have a clue as to the purpose 
>>this reflector?
>> Perhaps 
>>>runs a small b-cast station - legally and all.  
>>Yeah sure.  
>>No you just jump on 
>>And you also.
>>>Instead of just sitting there blathering about how stupid someone 
>>>not help correct that stupidity?  Or are you too good for that?
>>I have a low tolerance threshold.
>>You seem to be such an expert, why dont you hold his hand?
>>>And then claiming that those who help the poor guy are just building 
>>>there egos is just absolute rubbish.  Many thanks to guys like Rich 
>>>Measures and John Lyles for doing some good old fashioned elmering.
>>Yeah sure, how many need 100KW Elmers that have zero revelence to any 
>>Interesting reading but of no practical use at 1500W.
>>>Sheesh, if someone comes in and asks some questions on this list and 
>>>shot to heck, perhaps I gotta find a better list. 
>>The only good statement you have made.  Bye Bye....PLEASE.  
>> I thought that's 
>>>this list was for.  So if I get axed from the list for this post.  
>>>I just won't stand for folks blasting someone who doesn't deserve 
>>Whine, Whine...Jeez,  just go away Jon. Come back when you grow up.
>>You probably love Clinton also.
>>Ciao Bambino        Carl  KM1H
>>>Jon Ogden
>>>    <--- CHECK IT OUT!  It's been 
>>>"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
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