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[AMPS] Follow Up on the SB-220 Follow UP

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Follow Up on the SB-220 Follow UP
From: (Rich Measures)
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 14:40:26 -0800

>Seriously -
>> ?  The Challenger o-rings were supposed to be plenty ok in cold
>Who said that, engineers or the executive management?
?  After being pressured by management, all of the Morton-Thiokol 
engineers except one holdout signed off on the cold-weather launch.  
Eventually, the manager over-ruled the holdout engineer and the launch 
was on.  With about 5 min. 'till launch, the holdout was walking down the 
hall when he glanced into a room and saw the manager sitting in front of 
a TV set watching the activities on the launch pad.  The manager spotted 
the holdout and called to him, inviting him to watch the launch.  The 
holdout took a seat in front of the TV.  The manager - who happened to be 
a high-ranking member of the hierarchy the largest church in Utah -  said 
that he just finished praying to God for 15 min. for a safe Shuttle 
mission, and knew for certain that his prayer would be answered.  . The 
launch went off.  When the Challenger exploded, no one spoke.  The 
holdout rose and left the room.  
>> ?  A big-bang event happens in a 2-holer..  The suppressor resistors are 
>> 100 ohm +/- 5% units.  The resistors appear to be in mint condition. .
>> Each resistor is virtually shorted by a few turns of #16 copper wire.
>> The measured resistance of the suppressor resistors was over 400 ohms.
>> I was there.  I made the measurements.   
>Did you have the chance to measure the resistors BEFORE the big bang?
>Only way to know for sure.
?   I have not the slighest idea of what the actual resistance was just 
before the big-bang and arc.  I removed the 8875s and sent them to Eimac 
for evaluation.  The return letter from Eimac said that the tubes were 
apparently damaged by an "oscillation condition" which caused gold to 
evaporate from the grid.  On the telephone, an Eimac rep. told me such 
this was the conclusion of the 8877 design team, who experienced the gold 
evaporation phenomenon during testing.  

-  cheers, Mike


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K,  

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