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[AMPS] 811's and trolls

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] 811's and trolls
From: (dcckc)
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 03:39:51 -0500
It would appear the mr. TROLL free got exactly what he wanted. Neither he 
or any of the rest of  his ilk care what anyone thinks and will not stop 
until arrested and we do not have an FCC that will do it.
It is much easier  to ignore such a huge problem contrary to Mr. 
Dobrowansky warm and fuzzy remembrances of  a few minor instances involving 
such technically astute persons as to put the average ham to shame. I 
remember a time before no code hams and VEC's when the ham bands were 
policed by peer pressure and the problems were fewer and farther between. I 
will agree there are plenty of license holders that had their beginnings in 
CB just look for the problems on 75 meter phone or 2 meters and you will 
find them. Thank the ARRL and the FCC for "growing" the ham bands what 
would we have done without this new crop of techno wizards from the CB band 
showing us the way. Maybe a little peer pressure is in order here "stop 
feeding the trolls" they breed asexually
Dave / WB0PKK

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