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[AMPS] Fair is fair

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Fair is fair
From: (measures)
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 20:13:02 -0700
>Shame on you. You are either lying, or repeating absolutely false 
>> >It is unethical, because its none of your business. 
>Rich relied:
>> It is apparently a matter of court record.  The sale of Ameritron was
>> reporetedly ordered by the court.  
>That isn't true at all. Ameritron was sold by Denny Had to Prime as 
>a debt adjustment. Denny owed Prime money for all the parts and 
>tooling Prime bought and "re-sold" to Denny. It was that boost of 
>capitol, from John Moran W8IOB, that allowed Denny to get back 
>in business.
>When Denny couldn't pay his invoices, a deal was worked out 
>where Prime took possession of Ameritron. At that time Denny 
>was married to Connie, and as far as anyone around the place 
>knew they were on good terms. 
>It wasn't until after maybe five or ten years after the Ameritron sale, 
>while Denny was in South Carolina, that he was divorced.
>Not only is this stuff none of your business, you have it all wrong.    
>> > It isn't anyone else's
>> >business either.  But that's the second time you've written those words
>> >in the past year. Why you would delight in someone else's failure
>> > to interpretation.
>> According to rumour, there were two such incidents with separate wives and
>> separate companies.  > l
>This has really gone too far Rich.

Get serious.  The whole nation talks about Bill and Monica.  The 
President gets impeached.  It's simply no big deal.  Life goes on.  
>I'm not aware of anyone having anything like that happen, and I was 
>GM at Prime Instruments. I know Denny Had, and while I keep out 
>of people's personal lives I've NEVER heard anything like that from 
>anyone but you.
>What motivates you to be so vile and bitter that you spread lies like 

There are two sources.  I doubt that they know each other.  The two 
rumours were long separated.  

cheers, Tom

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734,  

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