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[Amps] TenTec+Nichrome

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] TenTec+Nichrome
From: tongaloa at (tongaloa)
Date: Thu Mar 27 12:41:41 2003
Naturally, the higher reactance results in a more intense
reactive field leading to greater I and greater I^2R.

Why doesn't the same thing happen with the same L as Hi-Q
having the same R in parallel.

3 marks for the correct answer...


2 wrote:
>>Ten Tec has released their new 2 X 4cx800 amp, the Titan 3.
>>You can see a good picture on their web page. You can clearly see a 
>>Nichrome style suppressor as per Rich's web page instructions. It looks 
>>similar to the one in the Emtron amplifier. Besides this, the layout may  
>>be of interest.
> **  After the October 1988 article on improved parasitic-suppression 
> appeared in *QST*, Ten-Tec tried low VHF-Q suppressors but they abandoned 
> the idea after they found such suppressors get quite hot at 29MHz on RTTY 
> mode.  Nacherally, this meant the suppressors were doing their job.  
> cheers, Greg
> -  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734, AG6K, 
> end
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