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Re: [Amps] Horizontal or verticle?

Subject: Re: [Amps] Horizontal or verticle?
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 18:51:49 GMT
List-post: <>
Dear Ian,

The EMTRON DX-3 that FedEx destroyed had the GU-78b tube clamped down
in four (4) places with teflon,just as you described.

In addition, the finned skirt is clamped with a surrounding chimney of green 
material I never looked too closely at.

Rudi sent this amplifier from Sydney to Secaucus with nary a scratch. I imagine 
the 12 day international journey plus overland U.S. journey saw a bit more 
handling than when it went 800 miles to Virginia.

Vince says the amp looked like it had been pushed out of a tenth floor window 
when he opened the box........

Not only was the tetrode dislodged but all of the mounting hardware around it 
was ripped out and the aluminum tube socket was cracked and broken.

People, stay away from FedEx is all I can say. They have yet to contact me on 
the claim or make any effort to pay the damages.

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